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I sure am glad that you decided to take a few moments to read this over and see what kind of business opportunity that you actually have right in front of you. I guarantee that you will be absolutley shocked at what I am about to present.

I have been "burned" many times before on the internet.

I have tried so many money making opportunities that it makes me sick to think of all the time and money that I have wasted and will never get back.

I almost hate myself for being so stupid.
If there is so much money to be made on the internet, how come I can't make any?

Does that sound like anything that you have ever said or heard before? It sure sounds like things that I have heard and even said before. Heck, I was that person before! I have been burned, and I have thrown away my hard earned money and I have felt stupid for being taken in by everyone and their hype! But it is that last statement that makes so much sense to all of us.

If there is so much money to be made on the internet, how come I can't make any?

Well I am here to tell you that there is large amounts of cash to be made on the internet and you can be the one making it. I want to show you how you can really make the money that everyone else says can be made.

The first thing that you have to realize is that it is possible and I can show you how to do it!

I have spent over three and a half years working to find out what works and what doesn't work on the internet in making money. I have studied marketing, advertising, and even went as far to study the psychology of how people think and react! I have researched over 20 years of marketing literature and I have put together something that is so amazing and yet so simple that it is turning the biggest heads in the internet marketing industry and changing the way that people do business on the internet!

Basically, I know my stuff!

What I have to offer you is so new and so simple that no one has ever even thought of this idea before because it is just to simple. What I am offering you is in two very important parts that combine together to make one big and profitable opportunity.

Online Home Based Business Starter Kit. This on-line kit includes everything imaginable that you need to start and operate your own home based business. Even if you are a beginner on the internet you can buy this kit and be well on your way to making money because it is so easy to use!

Here are just a few of the thing that are included with your kit:

Free Faxing.
Send your fax to anyone, anywhere, anytime! Save your self a bundle!

Free 10 Page Fax-On-Demand.
Send your 10 page advertisement to anyone with a fax!

Free Classified Ad Submission Software.
Cut your ad submission time drastically!

Free E-Commerce Website Creator.
Make your site look so good you will buy from yourself!

Free Banner Creation Service.
Have a professional banner made for you!

Free Website Submission.
Submit your site to over 300 search engines and directories. Worth well over $30 elsewhere!

Free Search Engine Position Analyzer.
See where your site comes up in the search engines then improve it!

Free On-Line Hard Drive.
Quit wasting valuable computer space and store your files on-line!

Free Email Manager/Autoresponder.
Don't waste anymore time replying to your requests for more information. Don't worry about organizing your email lists. This will do it for you!

Learn how to have people pay you by credit card!
Your startup cost is waived and anyone can get their own merchant account regardless of credit history!

So what if you don't have a product of your own? Then you don't need a home based business starter kit, right!

Well that brings us to the second part of this great offer!

As part of your buying the kit, you receive the detailed instructions and legal rights to resell this kit/business opportunity to others at an amazing 100% profit to yourself  ( less credit card charges ). I will also provide you with your own website to sell this business opportunity from and it looks exactly like this one! If you don't want to sell this kit, you will still have everything that you need to start your own on-line business!

This kit/business opportunity combination is a red hot item to have right now because of the huge boom in internet marketing and selling. Everyone and their grandmothers are getting on the internet to do business but 99% of them don't have what it takes to get started.

This kit has everything that they need to get started so present this offer to them and it's almost a 100% guarantee that they will jump all over this.

In the last seven weeks, the sales of this kit has grown by 500% per week and is actually still increasing!

So what is this kit called and where can you get this kit for yourself and start making the serious money that you have been searching for?

Allow me to introduce to you the company and website that makes this all possible...


how inexpensive it is to join

how to get started in

I.M.P will not fail you!

how fast and easy it is to make BIG DOLLARS with
I.M.P !

I.M.P's multiple income generating streams that will be available to you for joining

I.M.P will help you, achieve your dreams, desires, and goals now!

I.M.P will not cheat you!

is a simple system that was designed to make you money. The system takes you through 3 easy to follow directions that will have you swimming in cash !!!

I.M.P  was designed to work fast so that you could get excited about making money on the internet! I know how aggravating it is when you work for weeks and weeks but have nothing to show for it after! With my program it is possible to have multiplied your investment five times over on the first day!

I.M.P was carefully thought out and planned with you, the average person, in mind. This business is simplified so that people who know nothing about internet marketing, advertising, HTML, and selling in general, can still run their own business and make a large profit.

I.M.P is the most technically thought out business on the internet and you can be a part of it no matter what your age, income, or education!

Once you pay your fee, I will let you into I.M.P, and from there you get all the information that you need to start making your own fortune right away.

You do not need to know how to build a will have it built for you in the training center! You do not need to know how to write a sales will be there for you in the training center! You do not need to know how to follow-up on will be done for you! All that you need to know how to do is open up a bank account so that you can store all of your money! This business is so simple that a five year old could do it and still make a fortune!!!

I am not kidding you! I am dead serious when it comes to making money.

How do I know that I.M.P will work for you?

Because of the fact that millions of business's are operated on the internet, it is easy to see the characteristics of a profitable business and also the characteristics of a failing business. I have studied what it takes to make a winning business for over three years now. I took that information and applied every strategy that I have learned and put together this business opportunity!

Here are some reasons that certain businesses fail and the reasons why I.M.P will not!

1.)The product offered is not of any benefit to the customer.

If the product does not HELP the customer in any way, the customer will be reluctant to pay money for something that will not help them.

I.M.P is a tool to help people make money. There is not ONE person in the world that doesn't want to know how to make more money! Therefore I.M.P's target market is the world. That is alot of potential customers!

2.)The time it takes to get the product is too long for a customer to wait.

We are in fast paced world where the person who can get the product to buyer the fastest, will make the money. If you can't get your product out fast, you are losing money.

Once you pay to get into I.M.P, you get the information you need right away. You could stop reading this letter and have that information right now if you really wanted it. As soon as your payment is received, you are taken to the I.M.P training center and you are shown how to set up your business.

3.)If people can't pay for your product with credit cards, they won't pay at all!

There has been much documented proof that if you can't accept credit cards for what you are selling, you are losing up to 97% of potential sales!!!

We'll show you how to plug in to the sales program at E-commerce. Set up is a breeze and you get FREE real time tracking of your sales so that you always know how much money you have made.

If you are only interested in obtaining the service from E-commerce and not in
I.M.P, then please click here.

With I.M.P you can accept credit cards from anywhere in the world. That means you are not limiting yourself to who can buy from you and there are no extra costs for supplies.

Also your customers can order on SECURE SERVERS so that they are 110% safe to order from you!

4.)Price is too high and time working is too much.

For any business being started, there is always a cost and a opportunity cost. The cost is the dollars and cents that the person pays to start the business and the opportunity cost is the time that the person must use up to get that business up and running added to the time it takes to look after the business. This time is worth money!

Most business are fairly expensive to join and take alot of time to operate and manage. If this is the case, the most valuable time (the time you should be using to promote your offer) is spent on setting up the business, managing client lists, sending out follow-ups and responding to inquiries from your ads. That is wasting valuable time.

With I.M.P, you pay once to get started, and you will be set up right away to start making your money. It is cheap!

Very Simple To Run!

Your client lists will be managed for you, you will not have to answer one single inquiry about
I.M.P, and you never have to send out a follow up letter. It is all done for you!

No I am not kidding.

The only thing you have to do is advertise I.M.P! I will also show you how and where to advertise to get maximum exposure to a targeted audience.

These are just some of the reasons that
I.M.P is the absolute best business that you could ever invest in.

Here is another guaranteed way to make money with I.M.P.

One of the most profitable things on the internet is a targeted list of email addresses! With
I.M.P, I show you how you can create that list for free and grow it to monsterous proportions. Within a matter of days you could have hundreds of targeted email addresses to mail out other offers to or even let other's pay you to mail to your list! And you don't have to do any work to organize, manage, or even mail to that list!!! It is all done for you!

A targeted mail list can also be rented out at a profit to you! There are many companies that will pay you to gather email addresses and send the list to them. They will rent out your list and pay you 80% of the profits that they make!!! You don't have to do anything but give them the list. They do all the advertising, order taking and accounting for you. Then they send you a check for 80% of the profits that they make with I.M.P.

Oh yeah and by the way, these lists don’t go cheap. Some people are making over $100,000.00/year just renting out mailing lists. I will show you how to do this for yourself when you join I.M.P!


What do you think? Is I.M.P not the best opportunity for you?

I.M.P Inexpensive to join

I.M.P Easy and fast to set up

I.M.P Free email lists and managing for those lists

I.M.P It is an auto-pilot business. All that you have to do is advertise

I.M.P It can be run by anyone

I.M.P You can have any customer in any part of the world

I.M.P It is run from your own home

There is just not one reason for you to not to join.

So how much will it cost me to join this great opportunity and get my business kit?

I.M.P's one time fee to join is....$70.00......but wait!!!!

If you join I.M.P within one business day from receiving this letter I will let you join I.M.P for a one time fee of $25.00. That is a savings of $45 and there is more for you if you join within one business day!!!!

I will also throw in three free $70 electronic books that will teach you even more money making strategies, absolutely free for joining right now

You can't lose!!!

Click here for the free E-book that I promised you for reading my offer. The information inside will help you to achieve greater sales in
I.M.P than what I have shown you in the stats.

Michele Svoboda

Thank you in advance for making a wise decision!