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Saturday, January 12th, 9:17 PM.

Song of the Moment:  Beatles - Revolution

Yeah, so, I haven't updated in awhile.

School starts Tomarrow morning, I am sick at how fast summer went by, grr... Well get to see some old friends and such But man, so soon, didn't get to do nearly all the things that I wanted to do. Also have to get my schedule tomarrow morning. I know I have one class with my girlfriend; first hour, Business law. And then I have chemestry II wich is going to totaly suck ass, I pasted Chem 1 with a very very low D, not good.

Well, have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn, which really blows. I hate my school (not going to shoot it up though) People are hipocrits. hmm... I think I will work on the site more tomarrow

Made by the one and only iQ is to 2 two at 8:51 pm | Post | links |
on Tuesday, August 21, 2001


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