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STAR JOHNSEN-MOSER first met Mayan Elder & Daykeeper
HUNBATZ MEN at the Spring Equinox ceremonies of 1995 in
Yucatan, Mexico. She has been taking groups to Mexico ever
since that time to work with this profound keeper of the Cosmic
Mayan Knowlege and Representative on Earth of the Galactic
Maya. Classes in cosmic consciousness are held at various
sacred pyramidal ceremonial centers, and Initiates are guided
into entering the fifth dimensional etheric mystery schools to
work with the Masters of those dimensions. Together with
Star, he is the co-founder of the Cahokia Mysteries School for
Cosmic Education, part of a global network of mysteries schools
being established at each of the sacred ceremonial areas on the
planet to illumine the ancient mysteries for the upliftment
of mankind.

HUNBATZ MEN is a Solar Priest, and facilitates Solar Initiations
into the Great Solar Mysteries. He has authored several books
including "Secrets of Mayan Science/Religion", lectures and
teaches worldwide, and is a very gifted and accomplished
visionary painter.
Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men and
Star conducting a ceremony at
Cahokia Mounds in ILLINOIS, 1996
Don Alejandro Cirilo at Elders' Conference
in Merida, 2004
Star and Xamuk'u at Elders' Conference
in Merida, 2004
Star, Hunbatz Men, and Xamuk'u
in Mexico, 2000
Presentation of a sacred crystal skull to Mayan Lacandon Elder K'in Garcia at
Lacanjah, Chiapas, Mexico, October 2006
Elders' Conference in Guatemala, 1995
Conference in Mexico, 1995