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   "Connecting Youth, Parents, and Community in Ray County, Missouri"


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USDA 4-H History Page

Interested in learning about how 4-H came to be?  Take a look at USDA's 4-H history page.

4-H:  Are You Into It?

An advertising campaign to encourage kids to volunteer!  Across the United States, 4-H members are cleaning up trash in their communities, helping in literacy projects, and delivering food to hospice patients.

The National 4-H Web

4-H Resources By Youth - For Youth

County Extension Agent

Interested in joining 4-H?  Contact your County Extension Agent to determine which clubs are in your area and what 4-H activities are taking place in your community.

You may also choose to visit the following map:

Connecting 4-H in the USA

University of Missouri, Outreach and Extension Center

Local link to the research-based resources of the University of Missouri and Lincoln University.

Extension Publications Library on Request

Extension Publications Library on Request

National 4-H Council/Supply Service

To order items for 4-H, visit the National 4-H Council/Supply Service website.


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Copyright © 2000 Clover Connections 4-H Club
Last modified: September 27, 2000