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BOWSER's Tight Site


~JANUARY 6~ YO EVERYONE WHASSUP? I've got my poll on the site! Stating next week I won't be able to update this site for nine weeks because I got only two B's on my report card and the rest were A's and now I'm grounded from AOL!!!!! Well, too bad for me! Since I won't be able to update, I'm gonna get as much of this page finished as I can. Has anyone ever heard of the game "AGE OF EMPIRES"? Well, I have and I'm part of a clan there. It's the: pPp clan. My name on age of Empires two is: pPp_BOWSERPUNK. I'm gonna get the full game soon. Well my friends in the clan are getting me to make a little link about our clan and put it on the site so, It'll be up here soon! Well peeps, I'll See You all later, BYE!

~JANUARY 1~ HAPPY 2001! I'm working on a poll for the site and that's what I'm gonna work on with my time. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! See Ya Later PUNKS!

~December 30~ HELLO!!! Sorry I haven't updated in forever, but I went on a vacation to NY and I had a good amount of school work. My Scanner is still screwed so I don't have the pics up. I got a tight UGP BIKE SOCK HAT for christmas. I also got a pretty cool FOX RACING SHIRT. I didn't get wheels yet, I'm gonna get them for my birthday in February. Well, I'll update tomorrow, SEE YA!

~November 25~ Hey Everyone! I put up my "All about Me" Section. Check it out, It's pretty Cool.I just set up my Scanner and It WAS working, but It just screwed up, too. Well CYA!

~November 23~ HAPPY TURKEY DAY! I updated my Extreme Sports section and My Links section. I still need to use a scanner for my Online Drawing Portfolio. I'm making an "All About Me Section" and it should be up and on this page SOON! Thanks! Sign My Tight Guestbook!


~November 20~ MY FRONT PAGE IS BACK UP AND RUNNING MUCH BETTER THAN BEFORE! Well as you can see below I have a search Engine, not just for my site, but this certain search engine gives some pretty good results. I also have a new page counter that's Very TIGHT! Oh, my guestbook got erased so sign it, I made it really tight, you can add all kinds of html in it, too (If you know HTML language.) It only takes two seconds to sign it cuz I deleted all mthe stupid questions they ask you! I was working on a cool main image of Bowser for this site because Nintendo found that I had it and told me I needed to take it off cuz I didn't have their permission to take it off their site and use it for mine. WHOOPS! The one I'm making is still Bowser and it's ten Times BETTER! Well See Ya LATER!

~November 11~ HEY! I changed my Front Page from Basic Editor to Advanced Editor. It erased almost all of my Front Page. BIG MISTAKE, but I'm getting used to it. My Front Page is screwed now, So take concideration while I bring my site back up. Thanks!

My Extreme Sports Section

My Online Drawing Portfolio

My Links Section

All About Me!

My Tight Poll!

A TIGHT Snowboarding Game!

My Age of Empires Homepage

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook
Hey everyone! This Search thingy below gives some pretty good results if you use it as a search engine for some projects, research, or anything else! Just type in what you want and POOF! Automatic Results! Thanks!