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The Day America Cried
This page is dedicated to all American's.
Please send a prayer to all the families, &
citizen's whose lives have been altered by
this cowardly act of terrorism.

May all the person's responsible be found
and held responsible for their crimes against
us on this day September, 11th, 2001.
God Bless America.

The poem in the applet below was written by LuvYrAngel &
Please do not republish without permission, © 2001

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Graphics on this page designed by:

Sound file of God Bless The USA by Lee Greenwood sequenced by © 2001
Suggestions or comments you might have can be sent here.

These links below are my own pages relating to the same subject,
take a few minutes to go read them all. I just didn't
want to overload one page.

Tribute To America
The Eagle Is Crying
I Said A Prayer Today

I might be adding more as time allows.

The links below are to pages I just found I liked, they are not
my pages but please enjoy, their is some very nice work here.

In Memory... We Will Not Forget...
09-11-2001 Prayer
A Tribute to Firefighters
God Bless America
Tribute to America
Candles Of Peace
A Dedication to the Firemen
The Darkest Day
The Day That Changed America
America Will Never Forget...
We're Still Kickin'
See The Flag Fly !!
Let's Pray For America
Prayer For America
A Prayer For Peace ~ Sept. 11, 2001

I have moved all my awards for this page, to their own dedicated page.
You can view them by clicking here.

Please use this link to browse the web rings this site is a member of.
You will find numerous web rings all supporting our great country.
My Webrings

Click below to send to a friend.

Original design date, Sept 12th, 2001
Last updated, Oct, 30th, 2001