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I Said A Prayer Today

I fell down on my knees and then, I said a prayer today.
For no one certain person and for no one certain name.
My heart felt like it could explode, my eyes were filled with tears;
For the carnage that I witnessed and the people gripped with fear.
I fell down on my knees and then I said a prayer today.

The scene as it unfolded was so gripping so unreal,
I wondered now what I should do and just how I should feel.
I watched in stunned amazement as the fires raged and grew,
And wondered was there anything that anyone could do.
I fell down on my knees and then, I said a prayer today.

Scores and scores of lives would change, be never more the same;
And just what kind of madman could do something so insane?
I thought of all the children, mothers, fathers, daughters too;
I think I even said out loud, "my God what should we do?"
I fell down on my knees and then, I said a prayer today.

I started having many thoughts, how could we seek revenge?
If we blow them all to hell and back our loss will be avenged.
No, that's not really good enough, we need to amke them pay;
Let's kill their moms and dads and kids, we'll blow them all away.
I fell down on my knees and then, I said a prayer today.

And then I thought of what I said and once again I knelt,
And asked God to forgive me please for all the rage I felt.
I do not think that we should kneel to terror or back down,
We must stand up, we must strike back and keep it from our towns.
I fell down on my knees and then, I said a prayer today.

The above was written by a firefighter who was personally involved in
the rescue efforts. 2001 ©
All rights reserved.
Thank you Bill for permission to use this.

Psalm 27: 1-3

1. The Lord is my light and my salvation;
Who shall I fear?
2. The Lord is the strength of my life;
Of whom shall I be afraid?
3. When the wicked came up against me to
eat my flesh, My enemies and foes, they
stumble and fell.
3. Though an army may encamp against me,
My heart shall not fear; Though war may
rise against me. In this I will be confident.

To those who think they hurt us didn't.
To those who think you can make us can't.
To those who think we will run sacred..we won't.
To those who think we won't find you...we will.

"You can run but you can't hide"
.....Ronald Reagan

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The Day American Cried

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Page designed September 16th, 2001
Last updated October 30th, 2001