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The Origin | Education | Previous Activities

Love and Family Story | Job Experience | Spiritual Experience

The Origin

I was born on Friday 27th January 1967, but because of the mistake happened within my birth certificate registration, my birthday officially written in all of my diplomas or my card identity is 7th May 1967. Even though never do I celebrate my birthday, if someone wants to give me prizes or birthday card or just to say "Happy birthday" to me, I prefer it should be at 27th January or 16 Shawal according to lunar calendar.

My father is Abdur Rahman bin Abdul Hamid. He passed away at 24th February 1998 at the age of 64. In my opinion, he was a great technician, because he had never had formal technical education but he knew much about machinery. During his lifetime he worked hard to earn his family by driving. He started with driving boat and then after having ability to buy second hand truck he earn us with this truck.

My mother, the women I call "Emak" is named Nur Hasanah. She is a housewife, but as a village woman she also works hard. She plants maize, grain, and vegetables besides her principal job as housewife.

Among the brothers and sisters, I am the eldest brother. I have two brothers and two sisters. Their names are: Mahroni, Fadilah, Rosmili and Zainul Muttaqien. Before marriage I used to live with my parents, brothers and sisters in a small village in which I was born. Its name is Tahtul Yaman which locates by the side of the Batang Hari river, approximately 2 kilometers to the down stream of the river.

On 18 April 1993 I was married to my classmate, Jeany Eva Krisna, a beautiful lady which is the Palembang originally. Then I started my new life as a husband and live in my father-in-law’s house due to inability to buy a house.


My formal education did not start from kindergarten like common children of the city. I started to go to primary school (SD 10/IV) in my village in 1974. At the same time, I also started to go to Islamic primary School (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Saadatuddarein), which is also in the same village. I used to go to my common school in the morning and in my Islamic school in the afternoon. In 1980 I finished studying in both.

Then in 1980 I started my education in the secondary school (SMP Negeri 3 Olak Kemang Jambi) as well as the Islamic one (Madrasah Tsanawiyah Saadatuddaren). It was still possible to follow both because of suitable time schedule. One of them was in the morning and the other was in the afternoon. Even though in the third year I moved to another secondary school (SMP 13), which was, at that time built near to my home village, I was officially graduated in SMP 3 in 1883 because my new school was still controlled by SMP 3.

Then I joined the high school (SMA Negeri 2 Jambi), located in Jambi city. Unfortunately because this school location was far from my village and my home Islamic school did not offer the higher level, I could not continue my regular Islamic education. I finished this school in 1986 with the major of exacta (IPA).

Alhamdulillah (All praises to almighty Allah), with hard effort and full attention to teacher’s explanations, in the secondary-, high- and Islamic schools, I was counted as a good student in terms of marks obtained and used to be the best of class especially for exacta lessons. Frankly speaking, my understanding of base knowledge during these schools much supported me in following next education. But unfortunately this brightness did not continue when I was in the university.

I started to study in university in 1986. It was Agriculture Faculty of Jambi University with major of soil science. Although I was able to finish all courses within three and half year but I did slowly dealing with my thesis so I graduated with the title of engineer on 24 December 1992, nearly 7 years.

Because of being employed as a university teacher, I have much chance to continue MSc study in foreign country. I arrived in the Netherlands on 29 August 1998 for MSc at International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Science called ITC in the town of Enschede. Here I am taking GIR course. It means Geographic Information System for Rural Application. However, because the course program I took is a cooperative program between this institution and Wageningen Agricultural University (WAU), then since April 1999 I have moved to Wageningen and continued courses and research in this university. Nowaday the official name of this university is Wageningen University and Research (WUR).

So, the story of my education temporarily stop here because I have not finished my studies as yet. I expect to finish my study at the end of February 2000.


Previous Activities

As stated earlier, I did not continue my Islamic school during high school time, so I had opportunity to do activities which might be valuable for my life.

Started by an offer from a religious teacher (ustaz) Usman Abdul Gani to memorise Allah’s verses (Koran). The target was to prepare for participantion of MTQ (musabaqoh tilawatil koran). Accompanied by three other participants, Ahmad Riad, Najib Syamsuri and Suaidi Mahdi, I was selected for this purpose. So, along with them I spent my leisure time in memorising the holy Koran guided by Ustaz Ahmad Rido and Ustaz Yahya A.Kadir. Even though I was able to know by heart 10 sections (out of 30 sections) of the holy Koran and experienced of several times of MTQ, but most the verses I had memorised are lost. Hopefully, Almighty Allah forgives me and helps me to recollect them again.

When I was a university student, I spent my leisure time by attempting to join student organisation, intra or extra campus activities. I was general executive of faculty’s student association (SMF) during 1989-1990 and one of branch executive member of Islamic Association of University Student (HMI Cabang Jambi) during 1990-1992. Nevertheless, I am not a good organiser because my organisation activities stopped up to here.


Love and Family Story

As an ordinary people I started to fall in love to woman being at the age of 14 (approximately). This feeling of love changed like butterfly flying in the garden. Most of them were my classmates but one was my teacher. That was only a secret feeling in my heart. Nothing expressed or informed to the lady so that caused acne spring on my forehead.

During my high school time, one of my classmate, her behaviour, character and smile caused me nervous, could not enjoy meal and sleep well. This produced bravery to approach her. By offering her to make painting and to do home work of chemistry, physics etc for her, I snapped her heart. Although never got offer to shop or to go the movie, she was kind enough to fall in love with me. Finally, our relationship improved, and she became really my choice.

This relationship still continued after finishing high school and in the university. Even it increased and more blossomed when we were together as executive members of HMI Cabang Jambi. The general leader of HMI, Normal Yahya, promoted the abreviation of HMI as "Hangat-Mesra-Intim" to encourage the members or executives who fall in love each others.

After graduation from university we planned to be married. Alhamdulillah, at that moment I had a job so that it could support finance to marry her. And on 18 April 1993 officially she started to be my wife, Jeany Eva Krisna.

We enjoy life in family together in happiness and in sorrow, and thank to Allah for the family living, we wished during friendship. Then Allah trust us to keep his servant so my wife fragnanted and then gave birth my first baby on 21 April 1995 or 21 Ramadhan 1415. I named him Maulana Aqil Mubarak by hoping that he becomes a person who intensively use his thought under blessing of Allah.

The second servant of Allah came again into our family. He is my second baby who was born on 2 September 1997. This one I named Saidina Abid Munawar, with hope he will be a worshiper of Allah with marvelous charisma.

Job experience

I started my career by doing as a teacher in Madrasah Tsanawiyah in which I studied before, at the same time of my joining into university. So besides studing in the university I did teaching math and phisic at that school. This happened about 7 years before getting a new job. Although I could support my transportation fee with this teching, in fact that was more considered as a service.

The real work started one week after my graduation in university. One friend who was my senior in student association, Syaiful Azhar, offered me to substitute himself as a field worker in a forest company in terms of company subsidy for village development, because at that moment he could not continue this job due to acceptance as civil servant. I worked here for about 5 years, planned and implemented the company's subsidy for its village. It names Rano in the Distric of Muara Sabak, Tanjung Jabung Jambi, Indonesia.

During the period of my study in the university, actually I was snapped to be civil servant bacause I received fellowship TID (Tunjangan Ikatan Dinas). Therefore, my work in that company was only for a temporey period during waiting for call to be a civil servant. On 9 September 1994 I offically started to be a civil servant as an educative staff of Agriculture Faculty of Jambi University. Nevertheless, I still worked in the company up to February 1997 because my work in this company did not require to be all time there. I stopped working in this company at the same time of the company stop anymore.

At the faculty, as a junior staff I did guide the student in laboratory. The subject I have been involved: basic chemistry, soil phisic, and basic soil science.

Spiritual experience

This is to emphasize that if we do pray (du'a), there must be One who listen and will accept it as far as the pray done in full concentration according to the teaching of The mesegger of Allah (pbuh).

I found in the book of "Kaasyifatussaja" in chapter "Taubah" a hadits in which The mesegger of Allah SAW taught us a du'a (pray) recommended to mention at the beginning of other du'a so that Allah will accept our du'a. Then I memorised this du'a and always practise it before starting of any du'a to Allah. Some problems, even the very difficult one, has been solved by the help of Allah with this way. These are my experience:

The first is when my intention to start living in family was threated by economic factor. I, who come from foor, can not