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Maulana Aqil Mubarak

First of all, I'd like to say

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh

Hai, Here is Aqil......... I am old exactly today and just join a kindergarten. My birthday was at February 21st 1995. We live in Jambi, at Perumnas Kebun Handil, with our Mama and others. My father is in Netherlands. He is studying there. I like to play with toys, car and aircraft likened, but... my father do not buy them for me yet. If I were old, I would be a scientist which is blessed by God. My father said it is according to the meaning my name. The blessed scientist must :

1. believe in God and fear Him.
2. study hard to improve his knowledge.
3. do righteous for people.
4. not damage nature and environment.