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How's it goin. My names Zach,and this page right here is something i decided to put up here cause i couldnt find what i wanted all at the same time,SO,on this page,you will be able to find all the coolest 2nd Gen Eclipse photo's that there are.(that i know of) (so far) hope you enjoy them as i do. ; )
And i DONOT promote RICECAR'S!!!Honda's and Ricecar's are FORBIDDEN from this site.

2nd Gen Eclipse Pic's : coolest photo's of them all. ; )
The pictures on this site are for just the looks,all i know is that they could Roast a Honda or Rice car anyday..

Airport-BlackKTypeG2-FAV. Bangin-BurgandyPHAT-YellowCool-BlackSticker'd-White!Vader-BlackRed-Whitestripe'sNifty-WhiteMetallic BlueBlack-greystripe'sTalon-COOL


Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

Last Updated Saturday,November 15,1997


Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Club DSM! (Diamond Star Motors) (really cool)

I got many of my Images From some of the dsm pages,i just wanted to compile the most appealing 'fixed up' ones on a 'few' pages for viewing pleasure.
some Eclipse/Talon modification stuff
Everything from what your cars worth,to looking inside a 3D Prowler
My Geocities page! (about me) (I'm 16 by the way.)

~If you have any cool Eclipse photo's that should go on this page, or ANYTHING,please E-mail me!

Email: zculver@digmo.org
This Site First assembled Saturday,November 15,1997

As you can probably tell...i like White car's.. ; )

Most all of these images were taken from LOTS of different place across the web,if you do not want one of your pictures on this page,tell me and i will take it down,sorry,dont be mad, I mean Hey! I'm hyping your car! ; )