Yet Another Atheist..?

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[Evil Atheist Conspiracy]

Dear potential saviours,
I would like to inform You that at the moment I cannot satisfy Your kind request to join Your denomination. I understand that You might be disappointed by my decision, but I have several compelling reasons that do not allow me to be saved just yet.
First, in Your highly commendable attempt to show me the Truth, You must have overlooked the lack of any factual evidence to support Your version of it. Sadly, the referrences to Your Holy Scripture proved to be nothing but a circular argument. You claim that they have a divine origin, and support it with statements from the Books themselves. The only proof of the truth of these statements from the Books is the alleged infallibility of the Book, since it is of divine origin. Unfortunately, this is not acceptable to a reasonable mind of the end of the 20th century.
Second, You failed to bring any proof of validity of Your particular denomination over any other faiths and beliefs, whose representatives also contacted me with regard to my salvation. All religious sources claim supernatural events having happened, thus proving their and only their correctness. Should these be true, which is doubtful (see previous paragraph), they obviously cancel each other, or overlap. Therefore, either ALL religions are true, which gives me no reason to prefer Your denomination over others, or none of the applicant faiths are valid, which forces me to reject all Salvation attempts.
Third, I have noticed a strong disagreement between the values Your religion apparently holds important and the practices followed by adepts of Your faith. Sadly, there appears to be no difference in crime rate, prejudices, and intolerance levels among various religious groups. Therefore, no claims of superior morality by one religion or other are valid.
These are just some of the reasons why Your application to save my soul has been found unsatisfactory. I do hope that in time You will improve Your standing by adding feasibility to Your beliefs. I would recommend to remove a supreme being as a notion that cannot be reasonably proven; to be more tolerant toward people and groups who do not share Your beliefs; and to include provisions about respecting others' freedom of mind. Unfortunately, such improvements to Your religion will cause it to stop being one, and will make proselytising a totally useless occupation.
I remain truly Yours,
(Thanks to Ostep Bender Jr. for the bulk of the text)
