Howdy from the Wes page
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Howdy from the Wes page

Wow, a page for me very own! I would like to thank Angelfire for allowing web space to place this page for free, but I'll refrain due to the pop-ups that they continue to put up here. My name is Wes, an engineer by day and weekend warrior of a musician.

Below are links to some web pages I maintain for my band, my brother's band in Corpus Christi, TX., a website for my subdivision and another for where I work. If you get a chance, visit any of these sites and say hello if you get the chance.

Thanks for the visit here and toodles from the Midwest.

Things that Occupy the Wes-man

Pictures of the Sqoodle

Now, for those websites we do...

The Excelerators - danceable classic rock for St. Louis

My day gig page with the City of Sunset Hills, Missouri,
Planet Earth,
Galaxy Andromeda
