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WeLFTY's Homepage

Welcome to the West Lafayette Federation of Temple Youth, AKA WeLFTY, homepage . We're from West Lafayette, Indiana. The name of our Temple is Temple Israel. Our Temple Youth Group, AKA TYG, has six board members. For the 1998-1999 fiscal year.

The officers for the '98-'99 fiscal year are as follows:

President~Zach Lipp
RCVP/SAVP~Elizabeth Wood
PVP~Becky Emery
Journalist/Secretary~Megan Bloom
Treasurer~Nate Lipp
8th grade rep~to be anounced

We currently have two TYG advisors, Amy Nachman-Potash and Erin Winski. In the '98-'99 year Amy will being leaving us for better opportunities in Champagne, Illinois. However, returning next year will be WelFTY's second and newest advisor, Erin Winski!!
If you would like to hear more about what our TYG is up to click on the "new" icon here to find out our tentative schedule:

If you are in NFTY, National Federation Temple Youth, and have your own web site and would like to get connected to ours or if you have a comment on the WeLFTY homepage e-mail() us WeLFTY-ites at
Want to see some cool pixs? Just take a look...

To see who the old '97-'98 board memebers were click here oldboard

By the way, WeLFTY is hosting West 85 Subs next year....Hope to see you there!! Subs are going to be....November 13-15, 1998!!!

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WeLFTY related links...

NFTY-OV homepage
Pictures of WeLFTY-ites
