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Vickie's German Shepherd

This page will be dedicated to my love for dogs and my German Shepherd "Jake" in particular. It will constantly be under construction so stop by often.

10 Reasons to own a German Shepherd!!

(Later to come will be 10 reasons not to)

Also you will see photos and comments about my husband, family, (especially those grandchildren), and my church. Anessa, age 3-1/2, is the daughter of my oldest daughter, Beth & her husband, Philip. Austin, age 6 & Reid age 3 are the sons of my second daughter, Melissa & her husband Chris. My youngest daughter, Cassi (and James) doesn't have any children other than their Beagle dog, Molly and a golden lab, Duke. Molly and Duke get along really great with Jake. (Actually Molly is the boss, Jake just hasn't realized that yet) Our dogs are like part of the family. Melissa & Chris raise Bullmastiffs and they have a small Peekapoo, Trixie, that the boys dearly love, and Beth & Phil have a mixed breed, Butch, a pointer named Jessie, and Roscoe, a Bassett Hound (who's never home). It's a joy to have you visit, so come by again soon!

My Designed Pages
Jake - My German Shepherd
Phil, Beth & Anessa
Chris, Melissa, Austin & Reid

Check out these Links
Their Designed Pages
Comments and Suggestions
My Church Page
The Lowery Family Page
The Brant Family Page

