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How To Join The TunaFriends Network

So, you want to join the TunaClub? Become a Tunafriend? A member of the Tunafriends Network? Of course you do, or you wouldn't still be here! It's very simple! Simply send an e-mail to us at and tell us you'd like to join. The only catch? You have to say the Official Tuna Vow. Just send it in your e-mail. If you don't know the vow already, here it is: "I Vow To Respect All Tunafish!" Also in your e-mail, please be sure to tell us what you would like us to write on the Official Member List for your name. If you have a nickname, chat name, or you want to use your real name, it doesn't matter, just let us know. The TunaClub is constantly growing, don't let this opportunity pass you by! On behalf of Tunafish everywhere, POWER TO THE TUNAS AND ALL THE TUNAFRIENDS!
