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How the TunaClub Began...

The TunaClub began one day when we (Melanie and Nicole, the co-founders) were having a sleepover at Nicole's house. We were bored, so we went on the Internet, and went to a chat room. It was at, if you're interested in going there sometime. Anyway, we were bored, and nobody would chat with us, so we began typing nonsense. The chat monitor, CJ_Holly (yes, freezone is monitored) was playing a guessing game with a chatter, he would describe an animal, and she would guess which animal he was describing. We started typing ridiculous animal names, and we typed in "tunafish". CJ_Holly thought we were nuts and said "Tunafish?" and the other chatter got annoyed because she wasn't taking the game seriously. We must have been up too late that night, we went insane and began typing "Power to the tunas!" and "Tunafish Rock!" and it evolved into a very successful club. As ridiculous as it sounds, that's how it all began. TUNAFISH ROCK FOREVER!
