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The Legend Of The Great White Tunafish

The Legend Of The Great White Tunafish has been floating around the club since the beginning. I don't even know how it started. The Great White Tunafish is sort of like a club mascot, only he or she (we don't know) is highly respected. Here is the story...
The Great White Tunafish's presence was first felt by the co-founders Melanie and Nicole, the day after the club was founded. As the club was formed accidentally, the exact day was not recorded, though it is believed to have been in October or November of 1998. The co-founders were just sitting around, when suddenly they felt that he was there, brining them the magical tuna-like feeling that only The Great White Tunafish could ever bring. It can't be described, only experienced. It is said that The Great White Tunafish roams the oceans, bringing luck to all loyal Tunafriends. If a Tunafriend wishes and believes hard enough, The Great White Tunafish will allow them to feel the magical tuna-like feeling, and his presence. If a Tunafriend is ever in need, perhaps if they haven't studied for a math test, they must only say, "I vow to respect you, oh Great White Tuna, please help me with my math test!" The Tunafriend will probably still fail the math test, but they will know that The Great White Tunafish was there, suffering through the math test with them. The Great White Tunafish is an inspiration and a dream. Though it is undetermined whether he/she is male or female, we still respect him/her, and in honor of him/her, POWER TO THE GREAT WHITE TUNAFISH!
