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Welcome to Troop 138

UPDATE, UPDATE....Order of the Arrow election will be August 7th. Thanks Anita for all your help and good luck to you and your family.


Blue Elk District Troop 138 was granted a Charter in 1992 by the Heart of America Council.   Our present Charter Organization is Mission Woods RLDS located at 2600 W. Duncan Road, Blue Springs, Missouri.  Troop meetings are on Monday evenings beginning at 7:00pm.  We are primarily a backpacking unit supporting the BSA program, a Venture program including High Adventure treks and an Eagle Program for Scouts over 16 years old.

Monthly Newsletter

Annual Calendar

Upcoming Events


Troop History

Eagle Hall of Fame

Troop Archives

Scout Patches

Great Scout Resource Web Sites

Tamegonit Lodge, Order of the Arrow

Eagle Web

Backpacking Web Information

Bob's Backpacking Information

Arcadia Missouri Canoeing Guide

Merit Badge Homepage

Philmont Homepage

Complete Philmont

Scouter Magazine

US Scouter

FastCounter by LinkExchange

This site was created and is maintained by Webmaster Christopher Harris

Email: Troop Webmaster