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S.M.A.L.L. Artist Gallery #3

Thank you for taking the time to enjoy another exquisite gallery of marvelous miniature teddy bears from our talent artists and hobbyists.

"Send in a Clown"

Suzanne Knight not only makes extraordinary miniature rocking horses, but creates WONDERFUL miniature teddybears as well! This clown is a perfect example of the character and charm she invokes in every creation.

Suzanne Knight

"Jiggi~Lei"....a little bit is very good!

This 4" wobble-joint bear by Deanne Crim comes alive in the palm of your hand! Made of curly rayon and weighted with steel shot, it feels like a real little bear......or what you think it would feel like! Make your own miniature teddy bear with the New Book: Making Magnificent Miniature Teddy Bears by Deanne Crim. Making Miniature Teddy Bears

"Fall Fairie Spectacular Vignette"

Pattie Angel, miniature teddybear artist extraordinaire has designed a MAGNIFICENT Fall Fairie Vignette. This is a perfect example of why her S.M.A.L.L. Swap Mistress status is in order! From beaded and jeweled masterpieces to fall leaf spectaculars......The UNIQUE TALENT that Pattie possess turns the simplest of bears in to a magnificent bedazzling wonder! Pattie Angel
