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Artist Profile: Suzanne Knight

In the world of miniatures, there are those who posess a special gift. Not just excellent craftsmanship, but a vision of creativity, detail, and uniqueness. Suzanne Knight exhibits that level of artistry with her incredible hand-carved miniature Rocking Horses as well as her miniature teddybears. To achieve the level of craftsmanship and success that Suzanne has accomplished takes more then mere talent. It takes the foundation of a loving family who believes in her, as well as a supportive husband, Chris, who affords her the opportunity to concentrate on her masterpieces while he takes care of all her catalogue and website work. Their two daughters, Sascha (nearly 4), and Shelley (2 and a half), are surely what inspires these wonderful miniature toys. "My husband encouraged me from the start. My parents thought I was daft, but are now very proud and supportive", she shares. "After Shelley was born, Chris wouldn't let me go back to "proper" work and we struggles for the first year as I didn't draw any salary from my business. Now though, I work 40+ hours a week at this. I'm earning about as much as I'd be left with in a normal job after childcare....but I'm also spending the days looking after my kids at home. I work 7pm to midnight every day of the week, but I'm doing something that I love!!!!", she confesses. "I feel very lucky!" Suzanne began making miniature teddybears as an addition to the miniature Rocking Horses she was making. "I wanted to do something a little different to give me a change", she admits. "I thought that bears would sell well to dollhouse collectors, and since I collected bears as well, it just seemed the natural thing to do." Having never attended a bearmaking class, or even buying a book on the subject until she had been making bears for more then a year, Suzanne's talent is obvious. 1.2" and 2" bears are her favorite size. The perfect size to catch a ride on one of her delightful Rocking Ponies! Mohair and upholstery velvet are her preferences when it comes to tiny teddies...wood, of course, for the horses! Suzanne's creations can be found only at the highest quality fairs in UK as well as through mail order and on the internet through her website. Occasionally she sells to retail stores as well. 95% of her items are made to order with an average of 150-200 bears and 40-50 Rocking Horses made per year. "Miniaturea" (a UK miniaturists fair). and "Bears & Dolls in the UK", both held at NEC in Birmingham, are her favorite shows. Suzanne's advice to bearmakers with the intent of developing a successful business is to approach it like a business and not as a craft. Great advice from a successful and very talented artist!

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