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Things I wanna do:

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
My church, Grace Fellowship
How to Keep an Idiot Busy
A beautiful sunrise
How to Say I Love You to a Friend
my fave way to send cards

I DID IT! yahoooooooo i got a pic up. Yeah, so it's too big, sue me. I dont know what i'm doing! I'm working on making me MUCH SMALLER!!! Send me an email and tell me what else I should put on here and how to do it!!!! Or you can contact me on icq at 16345343. Just for the record, I have 4 boys, 1 lives with me and 3 live with my ex-husband. I am a Spirit-filled Christian and very very very proud of that fact. I have a LOT to share about my Heavenly Father (King of Everything) and if that's enough to freak you out, please leave me alone. I dont care what your beliefs are, but if you dont agree with mine, dont argue with me, life's too short. Since my Daddy is the King, i'm truly a princess in every sense of the word. I'm currently single (9-06).

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