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Spiff's House of Soul


Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Papajoejoe's web page. The Funkiest page I know of except mine. ;^)
Jive, jive and more jive! Other than all kinds of useful links, this page also has a jive translator that really helps you if you can't speak the language.
The net's best site on the world's best movie.
The second best movie. Shaft!
Disinformation. Okay, it doesn't really have anything to do with soul or funk, but it's a cool page!
A short page about a friend of mine
My movie site. My top ten and honorable mention.
My music site. Lots of links to good soul / funk music sites.
Adam's Entertainment Station. A Dang Good Site.
NEW! My tribute to Shaft! Probably my best addition so far. Right on!
FINALLY the tribute to Funk is up but it is very small. It will grow. ;^):)


(The Whole Sort Of General Mish-Mash)

Welcome to Spiff's House of Soul, the #1 ranked page named "Spiff's House of Soul" on the internet! Have a funky day!

This page was given the updatin' on da Twenty-fifth of November!

I've actually given a good updating to my page! I found a real cool site called Jive Jive and More Jive and put a link to it. And I've also got a cool-lookin' blue ribbon down at da bottom of my page! I'll be sure to keep ya updated case anything happens around here! (Which I doubt, but who knows, dig?)

/SOUL/ (sol) n 1. The animating and vital principle in man credited with the faculties of thought, action and emotion and concieved as forming an immaterial entity distiguished from but temporally coexistant with the body. 2. A person considered as an inspiring force; a leader. 3. slang An aggregate of elemental qualities that enables of to be in harmony with oneself and to convey to others the honest and unadorned expression of the hard side of life.

/FUNKY/ (fung'ke) adj. slang 1. Having an earthly, pulsating quality with an uninhibited mix of jazz rock, rhythm and blues, calypso and country music., and often with soul-music overtones. 2. Characterized by self-expression, originality and modishness; trendy and unconventional.

--American Heritage Dictionary, New College Edition

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