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SETYG - Shaare Emeth Temple Youth Group

WELCOME TO SETYG 1998-1999!!!

SETYG 1998-1999 promises to be an amazing year full of events and fun!! Check out our event page ASAP!! SETYG's Interfaith Seder is coming up shortly on April 16th. On the Info page we have a welcome note from our new President, Susan Pultman and SETYG's Advisor, Cindy Samuel.Be sure to check out your Executive Board which is hard at work. A new link is to the SETYG Calendar for the month of March. See who's birthday it is or when special events are!! Our other new link is a list of SETYGers E-mail addresses. Check it out! Thanks for checking out SETYG on the WWW and make sure your a part of SETYG this year!!

Questions, Comments, or Suggestions?

E-mail: SETYG



SETYG Events

SETYG Executive Board

SETYG March Calendar

SETYG E-Mail List

NFTY MOValley Online

Shaare Emeth

