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Somebody is thinking of you.

Somebody is caring about you.

Somebody wants to be with you.

Somebody hopes you aren't in trouble.

Somebody wants to hold your hand.

Somebody is praying for you.

Somebody hopes everything turns out all right.

Somebody wants you to be happy.

Somebody wants you to find him/her.

Somebody IS him/her.

Somebody wants you to know how much you mean to him/her.

Somebody wants to give you a gift.

Somebody hopes your not too cold, not too hot.

Somebody wants to hug you.

Somebody loves you.

Somebody is thinking of you and smiling.

Somebody wants to your shoulder to cry on.

Somebody wants to go out with you and have a lot of fun.

Somebody thinks the world of you.

Somebody wants to kiss you.

Somebody wants to protect you.

Somebody want to thank you for making life a little more bearable and a lot more fun.

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