News Flash

Trailridge Cinema closes after our 3 and 1/2 year run. As you may or may not know, Kansas City has a Rocky Horror fan club. This page is Dedicated to the fan club. It will contain things such as photos, rules, general information, a list of who I am currently hitting on, and even a fan club application. Please be patient as I am not a web genius (barely a web idiot) so this may take a while to complete.


I have been involved with the fan club since about 1992. I started attending Rocky at Oak Park AMC at that time. We had problems with management and finally relocated at Fine Arts Theater on Johnson Drive. This has been our best theater as far as the actual physical structure of the theater goes. We had a stage and spot-light there. The theater held about 250 people. We enjoyed a short run there until we had problems with management and lost the movie for a 4 year time period. Since then several efforts were made to relocate; however, many theaters were hesitant to play Rocky, as it had established somewhat of a reputation as a Freak Magnet. Well at long last Rocky has found a new home in the Kansas City Area, Trailridge Cinema at 75th and Neiman. On the weekend of July 4th 1997 they began to show Rocky. We have had decent ticket sales even a sold out Halloween Extravaganza. We have planned other such events with great sucess. The fan club has held numerous parties and events through out the history of the fan club some include: Johnson County Summer Picnic, several fan club meetings, mms catbox fashion show, nude parties, clothed parties, semi-nude parties, semi-clothed parties, and a great toilet cook-off hosted by the wooden spoon a.k.a. the Toronto annual.


There are always plans in the works for the RFFC as we are all an ambitiouse bunch of folks (snicker). We are always planning more parties and such. Some of us recently attended the 25th anniversary convention. Between us we have attended the 10th, 20th, and 25th anniversary. At Oak Park Donny O'Bryan published a highly evocative and entertaining newsletter, Inside Insanity. At Fine Arts, with added help from myself and Jessica Lefler (aka Trixie Horror) we brought the newsletter into the computer age, with full color cover and about a million typos. Again the newsletter continues with the help of myself (Jeff), Chuck, and anyone else who has spare time to help.

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