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* The Brother From Another Planet *

From Out of this World to Your Home Town

This is me, Saptech

**NOTICE** What's New Section

New: I've been really busy lately and had forgot my account info to update this site, but finally got it together and will be updating ASAP.

Also on my new agenda is I'm a full fledge Linux user and if any one wants to try another OS othter then Windows, then look into the FREE Linux OS!

Stay tune, more to come!

New: There's a new Topic on the Discussion Forum, asking, "What Have You Done Today"? It's asking people what have you done and/or what are you doing to help people, especially seniors and children. Please stop by and post your response. The link is listed below.

New: I have a link below from an article that was in the Washington Post newspaper, "The War on Drugs or Races". I found it to be interesting and informative, and decided to put it here for those that may not have seen it. I hope everyone who visit this site will read the article and then go to my Dicussion Board, listed below, to give their opinion about it!

Here's the link to the article, War on Drugs or Races

The discussion forum

Here. Have questions or suggestions, then email me, Saptech.

Please be sure to sign my guestbook.

Current Events: What about some current events been going on? Congrats to the Boston Redsox on beating my St. Louis Cardinals in the World Series. And President Bush won another four years as president. Four more years of hell is coming!

The new discussion forum

A New Mind for A New Millennium

Here's a tribute to Kwame Ture

Challenge for Black America

Black History for Sale

Here's a tribute 2Pac

A tribute from Bob Marley and veterans

Here are some pictures of the St. Louis area.

This is the real picture of me, not much difference, huh?

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This page was last updated on 11/04/04

Here's some kool links

BET-Music Video Online
Sports buffs can get info on related injuries
NetNoir - A Black Online Network
Black History from
WWW Virtual Library
Excite Search - Every thing but the Kitchen Sink!
The Final Call News
The Man Known as Chrome
The Total Entertainment Network
Hollywood Movies
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Good site to communicate
Britannia Internet Guide
A Good Linux Portal Site
The Discussion Forum
