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.w h a t w e s a y.

You know, if you really can't should stick to musical theatre!-HAHAHAHAHA

I don't think he was European...I think his name was "hey I want to rape you now!"-ashley talking about some WEIRD guy at Jill's

Dude, you just ashed on your leg...-John E. Sims

Its ok guys, really. I am just as messed up as she is...let me take her back. -"The cookie monster"...I still don't see how that makes sense

Some BITCH just fell down the stairs! I can't believe it! -Drunken Curtis not realizing he was talking about Ashley...

MY PANTS ARE ON BACKWARDS!! Vicklynn (I don't know why they were on backwards;)

SHUT UP FATTY! WHY DON'T YOU CRY ABOUT IT FAT PANTS!-Me yelling at aaron kennison when he complained about having 7% body fat. ARG

Shut your fucking mouth before I kick your fucking eyes out!-my darling ashely...I think she was mad.


Damn people...why do there have to be so many people? I know why...because god hates me thats why!!!-Josh Hartnett at like 3 a.m...I forget what he was talking about though...hehe

I think what we really need to bomb them with shovels.-Ruth McKenney...I think she is losing her mind

I can't eat chicken. Chicken gives me turrets.-Casey Engelbrecht

TWO DOLLA! TWO DOLLA!*five minutes later*Inflation...THREE DOLLA! THREE DOLLA!-Jacob Parrott randomly screaming things as he drove down the street.

SAMtastico: do I look 18 to you?
AstroBrad1: no
SAMtastico: do I look younger?
AstroBrad1: yeah
SAMtastico: how old would you say I looked?
AstroBrad1: 16-17... not a lot younger than 18, but not quite there.

that really isn't something you want to hear from your 19 yearold ex-boyfriend

Phil's milk saved my life-Matt Richards

Phil really knows how to work it-Matt again

Being biased is like being raped.-George, telling me how to use the word bias in a sentence...ass.

Mathew Wend: Are you cold
SAMtastico: yes
Mathew Wend: Would you feel warmer if I stuck my tongue down your throat?
SAMtastico: indeed I would
Mathew Wend: *begins cyber-making out with Sam*
SAMtastico: I feel warmer already
SAMtastico: thanks matt
Mathew Wend: welcome!

That is right! I MADE OUT WITH SAM! HA-Matt Wend, on the online conversation had above

Dammit brian...that was my eye;)-ME

Who's the Dego?-My voice teacher,Ruth, refering to Justin Gabossi. fuzzy bunny Spice Girl. Yeah, that sounds good.-Me, telling Ashley Coker-Barnes why we get along so well:)

....let me think of some more....

there are no new somebody say something funny...damnit

Oh dear I just squirted pea on myself-Sam(me)

Hey dale I was just trying to get my hand in your pants...-sam

What no Boehning today?-schnake

There isn't going to be a rainbow prince for this show...sorry toby-Mrs. schnake thats a word~Rachel Smith

Oh, look there goes my penis again.~Rachel Smith
