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.m e.

Hi I'm Sam! I am your basic small town girl with big city ambitions. Peculiar, Mo...The middle of everywhere. Well not really. But luckily I am only 20 minutes south of Kansas City. I am 19 yrs old and I am a sophomore this semster at Southwest Missouri State University, in Springfield, MO. It's a good time. I am majoring in Theatre Education. I am your basic college kid, really. I drink too much and I have a hard time remembering to go to class, but it's ok...because I am a DAMN GOOD TIME! When I am not in class I like to spend my free time saving orphans from burning buildings and knitting sweaters for homeless...either that or I listen to music really loud and play SNOOD. I also like to spend time with my wonderful boyfriend Patrick:) Sometimes I sleep...sleep is a good time. I am also a Saggitarius who enjoys long walks on the beach, driving too fast, and nude mud wrestling... Until next time this in Kasey Kasem, and remember to keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars!

don't even try to attempt to understand me it won't happen.

-Sam, keeping it real in Springtown...

. p i c s o f s t u f f.
.g o h o m e.
