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This page belongs to Angela

Hello, My name is Angela, and this is my ever so creative web site. Well i guess you are here to read allll about me eh? I will appease that feeling you have by telling you allll about myself!!! woooooo! (i can tell you are excited!) I am seventeen years old and a senior at South Shelby High School I play softball and i throw shot put and discus in track! I am also a total music junkie! Some of my favorite bands areThird Day, Rhythm, Five Iron Frenzy, Superchic{k}, Fusebox, Switchfoot, and Calibretto 13. I play baritone in band and i am teaching myself to play the guitar, it is a very loooong process!! I really have nothing more to share about myself!! but if you are just enchanted by my mindless self promotion, feel free to talk to me on AIM or e-mail me!! my aim sn is ruepicklex and my e-mail addy is

Hey, i'm not just all talk! i also like to show millions and millions of pics! click here to check out my pictures of gomers!! Now that i'm sure you are curious, hereis an explanation of what in the heck a gomer is! To fufill the joy of any true gomer, here are the totally spiff pics i took at the Third day concert on March 22, 2002! There are more pics coming on that page, i gotta go put them on though!!! wooooo!!! lookie lookie! i worked on my page some more today! click here for some more pictures!

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