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My Spirit Page

Hello again! Welcome to my spirit page. This is where I keep all of my things from The Site Fights. What is The Site Fights, you ask? Well, to start, it's what it says. It is an online competition where normal websurfers vote daily to find out which site the people like the most. The people who enter websites are called fighters. Each fighter is assigned a team. There are currently 25 teams, and 6 sides. Most sides have 4 teams, except for one side, which has 5 teams. A side is a group of teams, just so they can have a division between team champ and The Site Fights complete champion. Mostly, people remain most loyal to their team, not to there side. Also, there is something called The Site Fights Spirit. It is something, something that you can't quite explain. It is the friendship that is formed, the honesty that is required, the hope and courage that comes. People who spread the spirit are called Faeries. They must be 18 or older. People who are 13 to 18 are called Wee Ones. They are like younger faeries, but they get their own sub-realm, and they don't have quite as many duties. Each wee one and faeries is also assigned to a team, and they usually consider themselves their own team, becuase they usually only dust a fighter's guestbook, but they are usually more in contact with other faeries and wee ones. I am a wee one, and my name is Wee One Moonpaw here. Right underneath here I will put up some links to TSF pages. Directly below will be all my presents, awards, some shouts, some graphics and wands, and all kinds of things like that. Enjoy my site! And remember, I'm always willing to accept comments at here. Once again, thank you for visiting my spirit page!

TSF Links
The Site Fights Homepage
The Realm of the Fairies
The Wee One Realm
The DTiger's Team Homepage

Images, Awards, Gifts...The Works!

Those first two things are the basic dusting tools. The first one is the Spirit Stick, almost every single person in The Site Fights has one. The second one is a fairy dusting wand. It was one of the first and original dusting wands to be created. Many more have been made, but this is the basic and original.

Those above are my set of Wee One Wings. I know, part of it doesn't show up against the dark background, but I guess it will do for now. I hope you like them!

Watch out! You never know where we Wee Ones just might pop up!

The above gifts are from DSpirit. I want to thank DSpirit very much for the lovely gifts! But first, let me explain. The first one is the Spirit Award. It was gifted for my participation and willingness to spread spirit. The next is a very special and coveted award from DSpirit. It was one of the hardest to get, and I earned it for touching DSpirit's heart in giving my time to help others be the best they can be. The last is an award that all wee ones will get(well, actually, all wee ones will get all of the awards). It is to for that little extra bit that we go to make things look nice.

This gift is from DFairy Star. It is for my shining spirit, and is once again
awarded to all those wee ones and faeries!

I would like to thank Wee One Nat for his welcome gift. Thanks, Wee One Nat!

This gift here is the bright and joyful welcoming from Wee One CriBaby, a.k.a. Wee One C.B. Thanks so much, C.B.!

This simple welcome is from Wee One Zoey. I would like to thank her for her effort in making it!

This is a thanks from Wee One Divinity. It was from when I was a wee one last summer, I just never got to put it up. I suppose I might as well do it now, as well as tell Divinity you're welcome!

This welcoming gift was given to me by Wee One Cookies. I would like to thank her for the time it took in, I ment making this welcoming gift.

This one is from Wee One Kodie. Thanks so much for the beautiful snow globe, Wee One Kodie!

I would like to thank Wee One Nightfire for this wonderful welcoming. It was one of many she had for us to chose!

I would love to thank Wee One Solar SSSaturnPanda for her effort in this anime-ed welcome gift!

Shout and Spirit Awards
These are my shout and spirit awards. These awards are special awards, things that not everybody gets.

This first shout award is from Fairy Mermaid. She gave it to me as recognition that sea mermaids could hear my singing shouts. I thank her very much for it!

That award was from DTiger, as you can see. Click on the award to shout it out. Below is the cheer for which I got it for!
Spirit flows through DTigers,
Like Blood flows through a tiger.
We are strong with spirit,
Bound with friendship.
DTiger Wee Ones may be small,
Yet we have a great job:
To spread spirit everywhere!
People think we're small,
Fighters may feel we're useless.
They've got fairies,
What use of little Wee ones?
Well, I'll tell you right now!
Where would we get Fairies from,
Without the Wee Ones?
The Fairies come from wee ones,
Wee ones turn into fairies!
DTiger Wee Ones are the best of all,
Like blood running through a tiger's veins,
Spirit runs through our wee arteries.
We're strong with spirit,
Bound with friendship,
That's why a DTiger Wee one
Is DBest of all.

For the second time on this page, it is still under construction and I will appreciate all e-mails here.