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My Awards!

Well, well! You've stumble into my trophy room, with all of my awards! Well, I hope you enjoy, and I plan on getting more awards soon!

My Shout Awards!

Here you can find my shout and spirit awards. I'm gonna put all of them here, and the one above was for the Best Shout. Here it is:
What do DTigers got?
Fight, roar, courage!
What do we do with it?
Win, lose, try again!
DTigers may have lost a round,
but we're gonna leap right back,
you'll see!
DTigers won't ever lose at heart,
'Cuz they know the're the best there is!
We have a champ inside of us,
We're not gonna let it
let us down.
You might lose, you might win,
Not DTigers, oh no, not us.
We'll ALWAYS win, no matter what,
Cuz we know what makes a champ so good!
(Whisper)-Do you wanna know?
So that's our secret to our win,
and if you want, you'll have it too.
Just get some spirit, pass it on,
And you'll be a winner, someday too!

See this award? This is an honorable mention is The Site Fights Summer DWall contest! Click the award to see the standings(link available for a limited time only)!

Redwall Awards

I'm gonna put all of my Redwall awards here. The one above is from Tamlin/Brook, and I really want to thank them for it! You can get one like it at Mossflower Woods.

This award is from INSU, the Isle of Sampetra, issued by Ublaz himself. I would really like to thank him for that!

Silverpeak Award for Excellence!
This one is from Bandeye Maia Linsang, Queen of Silverpeak. I got this award a REALLY LONG TIME ago, but I just never got to putting it up...well now I did! Thank you so much, Bandeye!

As I've always said before, you can e-mail me about anything. K?