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Jessica's Civil War Page

This page last updated 1/17/99

Throughout history many people have helped to shape it's course, and others have studied them, maybe in hopes of finding some insight to the same such people, and even history itself. However, some portions of history are more studied than others. Many people put emphasis on famous Generals (i.e. Generals Lee, Grant, Sherman, and Jackson) but forget the people behind the scenes like the medical personnel or the civilians who made contributions. I focus on such civilians, though some of them were also soldiers, as they struggled to help thier particular sides in bringing information to them as spies.

The men and women who risked their lives to recover important information from the enemy. For if they were caught, they risked hanging by the other side, or the "lesser" punishment of imprisonment. Many made such risks without being caught, while others werent' so lucky. However, the information they brought to their Generals sometimes made important tactical decisions possible for them. Rose O'Neal Greenhow at 1st Bull Run is an example, and Harrison at Gettysburg is another.

The study of spies is made more difficult that as a spy you don't want to leave records lying around about your escapades, so many spies didn't keep personal records. Many of the spies that survived the war went on without publicly attesting to being a spy, though another great number were well known and wrote their own memoirs (i.e. Rose O'Neal Greenhow, though she didn't survive the war) to be published, and others' stories were told by second parties. Some, such as Elizabeth Van Lew carried the ostricism to their graves. The life of a spy isn't and wasn't easy, and I hope to give tribute to these behind the scenes men and women who in some cases gave their lives for their beliefs.

Please feel free to browse through the following pages, I hope the information is useful to you. If I leave something openended and you wish a further insight, please feel free to e-mail me to alert me to the problem so I can fill in the gap, and help you and others in doing so. I am continually researching, and as much as I wish to provide every bit of information I uncover that is impossible, so I urge you to use this as a starting block to your own research. This page and following are always under construction, so I ask for your patientce in this endeavor.

Various Civil War Related links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
CWSurgeon0's Homepage - a source of Civil War Medicine
Submarine Battery Service, CSN - a site on Civil War Navy
Civil War Books Online - source of Civl War Reading Material
Chesnutmorgan's page on History and Geneology
Nick's Civil War Homepage - Information on various aspects of the American Civil War
Jennie's Home Page - Research various aspects of the Civil War here
SCBelle10's Page - read about different battles she visits as a reenactor
Civil War Information Center - Miscellaneous Civil War information
Reblady01's Civil War Page - Links and various information on the Civil War
Last updated 1/4/99 Click here for Page 2 - Reenacting
Last updated 1/4/99 Click here for Page 3 - Civil War Spies
Last updated 11/22/98 Click here for Page 4 - Reflecting with Jessica
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Jessica Underwood.

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A VERY SPECIAL THANKS toCHESNUTMOR for her help on the graphics on this page. I am indebted to her. Once again, Thank you Chesnutmor.


I am not a historian with a degree, I am merely a lover of the American Civil War and it's effects on our country. I do make an effort to be historically accurate, and as unbiased as possible. I ask that if you find any discrepancies that you notify me and I will research them, and then correct myself. Thank you for your patientce and cooperation.