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Q.F.G.4 - Points List (NOT COMPLETE)

Search 1st body 
Use flint on torch 
Kill Badders 
15 15 15 15 Pass chasem 
Take Dark-One's sign 
Kill Wraith 
Pass Bells (DR.'s house) 
Identify: Baby Antwerp 
Capture Baby Antwerp 
Recive key (end maze) 
Identify: Hexapod 
Unlock door 
Pass healing potion's codes 
Pass poison cure potion's codes 
Recive Glide spell 
Unlock guild 
Sign log book 
Practice stepper 
Take rope & grapnel 
Enter thieves guild 
Take guild card 
Reed about disarming traps 
Open safe (combination: FILCH) 
Pick desk's lock 
Open secret passage 
Give flowers to Rusalka 
Kill Necrotaur 
Kill Killer Rabbit 
Kill Wyvern 
Kill Chernovy 
Kill Revenant 
Tell Anna's Ghost about ghosts 
Fetch the Protection spell 
Exit inn at night via window 
Guess: "Leshy" 
Pass Rhyadretion Solution's codes 
Fill a flask with goo 
15 15 15 15 Get the bush 
Take rubber chicken 
Recive Frost Bite spell 
15 15 Kill the Wraith all the way south from the grave yard 
Search Wraith's mound (get heart scroll) 
Plant bush 
Release Gypsy (with key from desk drawer) 
15 15 15 15 Move tomb stone (save Igor) 
15 Recive magic shield 
Get to Gypsy's camp (after being invited) 
Recive Aura spell 
Pay for 1st reading 
Get to screen outside of Baba Yaga's hut (pass magic barrier) 
Tell Leshy about: "bush in goo" 
Guess: "Rusalka" 
Guess: "Baba Yaga" 
See Nikolai's ghost meet Anna's ghost 
Ask Nikolai for hat 
Give hat to Bonehead 
Give corn to hut 
Take Edenbery's berries 
Guess: "Edenbery Bush" 
Guess: "Wraith" 
Guess: "Staff" 
Use mortar 
Cook pie 
Get Hide spell 
Kill Wraith in graveyard 
15 15 15 15 Visit gnome 
Use Dark-One sign on Monestery's door 
Use Reyhadretion Solution on domovi 
Get Black Bird 
Open fire place 
Give statue to Cheaf 
15 Kiss Rusalka 
Get to grave's screen (in swamp) 
Open the grave 
Open berrial chamber (in grave yard) 
Open coffin (in berrial chamber) 
Shake hands with statue in berrial chamber (exit) 
Oil door (in castle at night & listen to conversation) 
15 15 15 15 Give doll to child 
25 25 25 25 Tell child about Erana's Staff 
Use flask on Will-O-Wisp 
15 Destroy Fery's Queen 
Get in catle (main gate) 
15 15 15 15 Get in cave's mouth 
Kill monster 
15 15 15 15 Take book 
Do bone retual 
15 15 15 15 Break bone cage (or escape it) 
Do blood retual 
15 15 15 15 Exit blood cave 
Do breath retual 
15 15 15 15 Exit breath cave 
Do sense retual 
15 15 15 15 Exit sense cave 
Do Heart's retual 
Climb Heart's altar 
35 50 49 50 End game 
500  497  500  500  Final score