
 Limp Bizkit
 Marilyn Manson
 Ozzy Osbourne

Me Stuff

 Links Page
Wrestling Stuff


Let me start off my new page by giving credit where credit is due. Props go to my cousin Kyle who basically designed this page by himself, with some input from me. You can visit his page here or go find it in the link section.

About Me
    My name is Grant and I'm a 15 year old Sophomore at McCluer North High School in St. Louis, Missouri. When I'm not sleeping in 1st period, I'm usually either on the computer or doin' something at a friend's house. I'm somewhat into video games and I guess I'm a wrestling freak. A lot of people say that I'm funny, so I guess I am. I listen to mostly hard rock or rock 'n roll music, with some heavy metal thrown in there. Other than the bands I put up lyrics for, I also like Kid Rock, Monster Magnet, Rage Against the Machine, Tool, Metallica, |\| | |/|, and Nirvana, just to name a few. I will keep expanding my lyrics section with all the requests people send it, and some other bands that I see fit. You, yes you, can e-mail me here if you want to request a song or send in a picture of yourself or some art for me to put in the Gallery. Visit the links page to find out what sites I visit a lot. 
  Friday June 25- Added Nirvana lyrics because of a request from a friend.On the Wrestling Stuff page you will find links to a bunch of awesome sites about wrestling, as well as the infamous South Park wrestlers.

This page is copyright 1999 by Grant Montgomery. Layout may not be used without prior consent from the author. Images, lyrics, and South Park wrestlers are all copyright their respected owners, and may not be used without their consent.