The Wake Up Call
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The Wake Up Call

Last updated 6-23-97

Capitalism is growing to dominate ever more parts of our society. Like a disease, it infects everything it comes in contact with and assimilates them within capital. Whether it be universities, science, inventors, engineers, or scientists, they are unable to resist the powerful forces of capital and are enlisted in it's unending efforts to control and profit at the expense of labor.

In the last century and a half, humanity has witnessed the growth of monopoly capitalism and along with it a social adaption to this new system of mass exploitation. In fact, we have adapted from self-sufficient, intelligent beings to a people that are incapable of most tasks if it does not involve pushing the button on the remote or heating pre-prepared products for consumption. Indeed, if we were put in the position to be self-sufficient as those in the early part of the 19th century were, most people would surely either starve or perish from the elements. In a hundred and fifty years, monopoly capitalism has stripped from us the survival techniques and crafts we used for thousands of years and centralized them within capital.
This site is dedicated to the destruction of the perverse economic and political structure, capitalism; and to the advancement of workers worldwide. In this site you will find resources to educate yourself to issues such as corporate authoritarianism and atrocities, economic democracy, the need for socialism, along with a book list pertaining to worker's issues. Also included are quotes from friends of labor such as Eugene V. Debs, Joe Hill, and Abraham Lincoln.