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The Fonz is great. Come on..Henry Winkler...How much cooler can you get? There is no cooler if you ask me. He was in Happy Days and was the coolest one there. And if you're the coolest person on the set of Happy Days that says a lot about you. But these days Henry Winkler is a wrinkled old fart and no one cares about him. Except me...I care.

I know next to nothing about Henry Winkler but Id like to think theres someone on earth that knows less than me. Your grandmother perhaps. But I will learn and whatever I learn about Mr. Winkler will be on this site. Id also like you to share any Henry Winkler facts you may have with me. So far I dont have well...anything on here. But I will...and Im sure if I build it they will come. Who you ask is they. Ummm...I dunno...

I addded some info and fixed a few mistakes.
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This Henry Winkler Site Has been around since Febuary 4 1999