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Bears are hard to keep up with

               When a Cub Scout has completed the second grade (or is 9 years old) he begins working on his Bear
               achievements. There are 24 achievements in four different groups.
               The achievements are: Ways We Worship; Emblems of Faith; What Makes America Special?; Tall Tales;
               Sharing Your World With Wildlife; Take Care of Your Planet; Law Enforcement Is a Big Job!; The Past
               Is Exciting and Important; What's Cooking?; Family Fun; Be Ready!; Family Outdoor Adventures;Saving
               Well, Spending Well; Ride Right; Games-Games-Games!; Building Muscles; Information, Please; Jot It
               Down; Shavings and Chips; Sawdust and Nails; Build a Model; Typing It All Up; Sports, Sports, Sports;
               and Be a Leader.After achieving the Bear badge, a boy may concentrate on 24 Bear elective areas until he
               becomes a Webelos Scout. Gold and Silver Arrow Points are also awarded for these projects.

Our Bear Den leader

              The Bear Den in action