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I once knew someone who
felt the same way that I do
Alone inside with too much pride
and always looking for a place to hide

All my fears built through the years
just add more rust to my gears
Now I'm broken before you had spoken
Play me like some kind of token


Do not believe in me
but believe that I am true
I promise not to hurt thee
because, dear I love you

I cannot hide what I am
So I run away for good
I hope someday to understand
All of what I should


I keep looking for an answer
but my question perished
everything I've ever dreamt for
forever is left charished

I open my mind for some freedom
Instead I lose my will
I realize it's not so great
but I seek it still

The truth can make you blind
or better let you see
What you believe is up to you
as the world can be


Here I am just an average guy
letting life just pass me by
I have nothing better left to offer
each living day is getting tougher

Oh, did I forget to mention
I have come up with a great invention
A cure for AIDS and cancer too
and saved a million lives or two

If only I knew all of this were true
I would have thought it all through
But I lay here on this dirty floor
with a living pulse no more

I was just an average guy
Let life just pass on by
Had nothing better left to offer
A feeling felt by many others

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