The Ramblings of a Madman

Warning: You are going to see things on this page that you can't unsee.

I am your undoing. Ladies, this other pic is for you. So Randy.

Old Updates 1: The Beginning

Old Updates 2: The Quickening

Old Updates 3: The Return of Scotty D.

Old Updates 4: The Summer of Scott

Old Updates 5: Party Like It's 1999

My Brothern, I call him Number One


He's Big, he's lazy, he's my dog, I bring to you member four Big Rob

New Updates from the mind of a Madman
January 15, 2001
It has been a long, long time since anyone has done an update, but I promised Rob I would have an update up by today. Let see it’s the year 2001 now. I am a senior, with 13 hours left this semester till I graduate. Where did the time go? I am no long a CA, fuck that job it was good for a while, but I don’t miss it one damn bit. Fuck the dorms too, I have an apartment and am happier than a pig in shit. I love cooking it is so much fun. I have a job; I work the desk in the apartments where I live. It’s a stupid job where I get paid to do mail and sit on my ass, or study. I am yet to find a real job yet, but it is still relatively early I think. I have been lifting weights and running now for almost two weeks. It is an excellent stress reliever and makes me feel good. I play a lot of pool and hang out with my friends all the time, its nice. Rams are done and are idiots but they will get their revenge next year or at least they had better. Cardinals have signed druggy and fat ass Bobby Bonilla, why I don’t know? Blues are sort of slumping of late, but still have one of the best records in hockey, go figure maybe this will be there year. Wrestling is more interesting than ever WWF that is, I could give a rats ass about WCW in fact I have no clue what has even been going on with them for like the past two months. Austin and The Rock are great and hopefully I will go see them at a Smackdown taping. The XFL starts up soon and I cannot wait to go watch the Chicago Enforcers play at Soldier Field. Onto the movies, or at least what I can remember.
The first movie I will speak of is Traffic. Quite possibly the best movie of 2000, if you count is coming out in 2000. This movie is a thrill ride from beginning to finish keeping you on your seat wondering what is going to happen next. One of my favorite things about the movie is when they do the Mexican sequences, they used lighter color and make look like a completely different film, and it is so cool. Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta Jones, Benicio Del Toro, Don Chelade, and Denis Quaid lead the amazing cast. Just see this one. Best-animated film honors go to Disney for The Emperors New Groove, what a funny movie, and excellent job by David Spade and John Goodman on the voices. You need to see this movie John. Dracula 2000 via Wes Craven brought a new twist to the story. It was just a fun enjoyable movie, but it needed more T&A and blood. Worst movie of the year honors go to Magnolia this movie was a piece of shit except for the first five minutes and for Tom Cruise. I wished that everyone had killed themselves, and raining frogs, right. What a disappointment. We now come to Dude Wheres My Car, I saw this one on theater hop, figuring there is no way in hell I would pay money for this. It ended being a crazy zany enjoyable mess with cameos by: Brent Spinner, Fabio, Andy Dick, and others. If you get a chance when it comes on video, see it. Sweet! Best Sci-Fi movie honors go to Pitch Black and let me tell you Van Diesel is one bad motherfucker. Great story, great special effects, great movie. Lets see what else… Proof Of Life good but long, 6th Day, good until it gets slow Little Nicky, Adam Sandler funny, Charlie’s Angels ok I guess, and very good was Red Planet way to go Val and nice T&A on the Matrix chick. Oh and how could I forget Screwed starring Norm McDonald, Dave Chappel, and Danny Devito, very very funny, but not quite Dirty Work. Well That’s enough for now I grow weary and tired, I challenge others out there to update. Keep it on the real y’all. Peace!
Where to start? Well as you can see I have not updated in over two months. Hell even Rob beat me to a web update. What is the future of NTLFT3? I don’t think any member can answer that. Earlier this week I went back and I read all the old reviews, and nothing is as more shocking as the first ever update. I vowed to update every day. What the hell was I thinking? But when I look back on such college memories, John going and cleaning up the profanity, the non-existent paragraphs, phrases that make no sense, and yours and my favorite the lovable Mr. Chimps. It has been fun and exciting, and definitely interesting. The sky’s the limit in my opinion. I will not update always but there will be updates. You won’t agree with what I write or maybe you will, but you will laugh.

Its now my senior year of college and I am pretty excited. I have 17 hours this semester but its fun. Delta Sigma Pi is going great. I am the Vice President of Recruiting for the Human Resource Management Association. I am still a community advisor, but this is the last semester of that. All my friends get along again, or so it seems. Toddyboy found a girl named Jen, and is still crazier than a rat in tin shithouse. J is with Casey, and working at Hastings, and carrying a new band on the side. Lou is Christy less but not lost, he’s having more fun than ever, and can’t wait to get to her married in June. Rick is always missing Kelly, but he will make it, or become an alcoholic. Kyle is Kyle, though he has cleaned up, he has found his new love in making compact disc artwork. Cori and I are great; she is also a community advisor. Kevin is doing grad school and working part-time for St. Charles auditors. Rob is lost or maybe not I believe he will be returning to Lindenwood University to pursue a teaching career in the spring. John has one thing on his mind the LSTAT, best of luck to you bud. Lets see 21 is a great age to be, but I feel old, is that weird? I love gambling and am currently up over $50.00 on the casinos. I love white russians more than ever, oh yes Toddy makes great Kuluah. I cannot wait to get a real job and make some real money, oh yeah after I pay school off.

As you all know I love to review movies and has there been a shitload that I have seen and not reported on. One asks how do I go about reviewing them all. The answer is keep reading and you’ll find out. Oh by the way there is a new ratings scale again. Lets start off with the Hollywood hits then, well go VHS and cable.

X-Men-3.5. Full of action, comedy, and a halfway decent story. We also have the emergence of a new star Hugh Jackman. If the first one was this good, I can’t wait to see the next eight.

What Lies Beneath-2.0. On the bright side Harrison Ford plays a bad man. Michelle Phiphfer plays a nut, and a girl comes back from the dead to kill Harrison. Enough said!

Titan A.E.-3.8. This was definitely one of the best movies this summer. Full of beautiful animation, great story, good voices. I did not give this movie a perfect 4, because the ending was to far fetch for my liking. Just see it and don’t ask any questions.

Pokemon: The Movie 2000-3.0. This movie was much better than first one, not that the first one was bad. This one was just cooler, and more interesting characters, and of course more Pysduck.

Coyote Ugly-2.0. This movie looked liked it was supposed to be full of tits and ass and but it was not. Instead was the story of a woman’s triumph to be a singer. Take this movie to someone who cares.

The Cell-4.0. This movie just looked interesting from the previews. And it proved to be nothing to short of spectacular. A brilliant movie, with an intriguing and freaky story, some beautiful character development, while some special effects build the story. This is a very freaky movie but it will be two hours you will not forget.

Cecil B. Demented-3.0. In a time when movies genre are constantly repeated. Its good to see a movie take a stand against all the other movies. This would definitely have to be classified as one of the most fucked up movie I have ever seen. Showing and daring to take all the extremes necessary to be deemed that title. If you think your mind can stand it, see it.

Videos and Cable

American Psycho-3.7. What was all the fuss about with this movie, and its rating? I watched the directors cut version, and oh no I viewed a threesome, kiss my ass MPAA. This movie is just cool, twisted but cool and funny. A man is slowly loosing his sanity and resorts to killing people while listening to classic 80’s hits. One of the funniest scenes is when he chops a guy up with an axe while listening to hip to be square by Huey Lewis and the News. I will one day read the book because they left a lot of fucked up shit out.

Boiler Room-3.7. A must see movie about the selling of fake stocks, and ruining peoples lives.

Enough with the movies, and enough with this update. I end on the note way to go cardinals and keep it up rams.
I’m back from the unknown. Some might say that all of NTLFT3 went on a hiatus. NTLFT3 still exist, they hurt though casinos are not nice to all members and have forced us back to the things we know and love (free shit): disc golf, pool, monopoly and television. I have seen many movies and if I decide to report on all of them it will be a miracle. All members are hard at work, or at least at work. My life is ok, school, work, Internet, etc. Where to begin lets see for those who don’t know I am back with Cori. Movie wise I guess I will start where I left off. Roll em!

Gone In 60 Seconds-***

Nick Cage is back and decided to bring Angela Jolie and Giavani Rabbichi for the ride. Here is the story, Nick’s brother screws up so in order to save his life he must steal 50 cars in two days. Simple enough. This movie is just fun and enjoyable to watch, and supported by a kick ass soundtrack. The end gets a little to Jerry Brockhiemer for me but oh well it’s a movie.
Shanghai Noon-***

A princess is kidnapped bring in Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson to the rescue. Chan and Wilson don’t have the best on screen chemistry. Chan is all action, while Wilson gives you comedic effect. Wilson is great, Chan is Chan. Something for everyone in this movie. So see it and figure out what you liked about it. Oh yeah fuck the manager up at Jamestown 14 you spikey haired gimp

Samuel Jackson is one bad motherfucker. A funny movie with enough action to keep the audience happy. Story goes rich white guys son kills a black guy, only one witness who goes into seclusion, John Shaft wants revenge, but he has to find the girl played by Toni Colitte first. I did not care for the ending it had John Singleton written all over it and did not do the move justice.
Me, Myself, and Irene-***

This movie is uproariously funny but just a bit too long, the Farrley Brothers just kind of dragged it out. Jim Carrey plays a skitsocop who has never dealt with people’s crap very well. In fact he has never dealt with it all and then out comes the other side of him, Hank and the comedy insues. Along with Jim are his three black sons who almost steal the show on this one. Jim must escort Rene Zelhwigher across Maine so she can get out of trouble. A little long but never short on laughs.

I did not care for this movie to Disney for my liking but I was also more concerned with the fact that Kevin and I were the only ones in the theater. I sat in every seat, laid in many different positions, yelled at the movie. We basically did whatever we wanted. Some of the computer generated animation was pretty poor in my opinion during the meteorite scene I could barely even see what was going on. This movie was stupid the only thing that made it funny were the comments Kevin and I were yelling at the screen.
Scary Movie-***

Like Me, Myself, and Irene this movie was very funny but ran too long. This movie was a spoof of a movie that was a spoof, that being Scream. It also spoofed Blair Witch, Matrix, Usual Suspect, I know What you Did Last Summer, Nightmare On Elm Street, etc. There were a lot of penises shown in this movie and every culture was easily offended by this movie. Some very sick scenes, some very funny scenes, some very stupid scenes. See it and laugh at what you feel like.

The Green Mile-***

An interesting movie to say the least made by the man that brought us the greatest movie ever The Shawshank Redemption. Tom Hanks has the main role in this one. This movie wanted to be Shawshank but nothing can be better than the original. This was viewed on two tapes, the first one made me laugh a lot and was enjoyable second one was stupid. When we brought special effects into this movie in the form of flies I lost respect, but on the brightside Wild Bill was halarious and I enjoyed the mouse. Other than that I don’t know.
The Insider-***1/2

Russel Crowe and Al Pachino play the host in this movie about a man who knew what the drug companies did not want you to know about cigarrettes mainly nicotine. This is somewhat based on a true story. It was hard after seeing Gladiator watching Crowe not kill people. But he did and excellent job, Al did a nice job too very strong role very dramatic. See it, enjoy but beware it is long.
I feel that is enough for now who knows when the next update will be I sure as hell don’t. Keep it on the real.
It has been a week or so since an update, so why not. My first summer intersessuion is out and over with. John should be done today or tomorrow, welcome back skipper. Lets see some of you know I have a new job working for St Charles County helping with the construction of a playground at the soon to be open Quail Ridge Park. I do about five hours if that in an 8/1/2 hour day i like those odds. I have seen Road Trip, and just today viewed 200 Cigarrettes. Another issue I have been meaning to address for a while deals with baseball and "the wave". Lets start with movies. Road Trip starring Mr. Testicle Tome Green. This movie you could almost say you viewed in the trailer there are some other funny moments though. Story is guy has not heard from girlfriend in a while so grow suspicious of her cheating, so he does a little cheating of his own. Then he accidentally sends off the tape of him having sex with the other girl. So they go to retreive the tape down to Austin Texas from New York. By the way this is all a story being told by Tom Green who is giving a school tour. Not bad very fuuny, very gross at moments, but everything was way to built up too much, and at times was very slow. So we have to give this one a 2.5. Now we move onto 200 Cigarettes staring a shit load of people: Ben Affleck, Casey Affleck, Courtney Love, Jay Moohr, Jeneane Goraffalo, Dave Chappel, and many other just to name a few. So all these peoples live come together at a party and they almost all have an encounter with the halarious cab driver Played by Chapepel. A very carzy, very funny movie. Highly reccomendable to watch. All in and all good 3.0 out of 4.

Brothers it is time to address the wave. It stands for everything NTLFT3 doesn't. Somejack ass decides to sit up in his chair. Yes thats right I said get up from a more comfortable sitting position. They get up raise there arms in the are and then sitback down while yelling whoo. This is repeated until the idiots of the world realize how stupid they are. Not only is it distracting while watching the game not to mention some asshole might cause you too spill your 4.75 beer, it distracts you from the game. So I say to you ban the wave and sure as hell don't support it.

Well thats my soapbox, on a final not look for a review on Gone In 60 Seconds next week, and big congratulations to Big Rob on landing his new job with city search. Keep it on the real!
Your mission should you choose to except do a web update. I can handle that one. Your primary objective to review John Woo does slow motion or aka Mission Impossible 2. I have no choice let the truth be told.

Lets start with the only short thing about this movie was the MI2. John Woo is a master of slow motion and no one does it more than he does in my opinion.The only thingas bad as the slow motion was the prdictability. He starts the movie off in slow motion what the hell was this. You want to know what this was I have deemed it Goldeneye 2 only not, might as well be. The story is a scientist has created a disease that kill all the cells in your body within 37 hours, he also created a cure. So a IMF agent Sean Ambrose pretends to be Ethan so we bring the mask back from the first movie, he wheres the Ethan mask and voice similator. They used him because Ethan Hunt was on vacation and IMF was unable to find him. So Ethan is the only person the doctor trust, Ethan went under the name Dimitri. So Ambrose and his cronies kill the doctor and crash the plane. IMF knows what is going on and find Ethan who decided to disturb ethans vacation. So now Ethan must recruit his team he brings back Ving Rhames, some Austrailan guy and recruits Ambrose's ex-girlfriend. Who is also Cruisess love interest. So in order to get her we have a slow motion porsche chase. Does that sound right a slow motion porcshe chase ohe well. He gets amd oh does he get her. So Ethan needs Nyah to get back with Ambrose so they can figure out what hes up too. So the decides lets just in general get slow for the hell of it. Ethan has now learned of Ambroses plan's. But like Goldeneye Ambrose knows every move that Ethan is going to make to try to destroy the virus and its cure. It just imagine this takes him a little longer to catch Ethan in the process of destroying the only samples remaining. There was a cool part here imagine this repeating from the first movie Cruise drops down from a helicopter on some rope and only has a certain amount of time to do it. So we know have to have a shoot everybody up in the lab battle. And then for the hell of it we will blow the lab up. Now we see one of the most predictable scenes ever Nyah is in a crossfire between Hunt and Ambrose to get to the last injection gun containing the virus. So what does she do injects herself. Well now she can't be killed off on the brightside so Hunt blows a hole in the wall a parachutes out. Now we get to learn a little more into the plot Ambrose wants to infect the the city of Sydney with the virus and charge tons of money for the cure. In order to do this though he needs a major medical company to produce it and the cure. So he wants 51% of the stock in this company making him a billionaire. So comes in to spoil his party Ethan. This is a very wierd scene while Ethan is blowing the place up and there is fire everywhere white doves are flying around. Creepy shit. So we know we come to the slow motion motorcycle chase which is cool but so slow. There is a very funny part here Ving is up in the helicopter gets shot at so he pulls out a rocket launcher and blows the car up I laughed. So now we have Ethan driving aroud shooting all the bad guys in this crazy chase scene. After they are all gone, it comes down to him and Ambrose in a duel to the death. So now we have a matrixest fight scene in what else but slow motion. So they beat the hell out of one another for a good five minutes. Just when you think Ethan has won and knocked down Ambrose he find the strength to threaten him with a gun say some lines, but not shoot him, hoolywood killers when will you learn. So Ethan in this time is now able to kick a gun out of the sand do some crazy corkscrew turn in slowmotion and finally kill Ambrose. He then gives Nyah the cure, end of movie they all live happily everafter.

Some closing comments on this movie. Anthony hopkins and Ving Rhames were wasted talent. Anthony go finish Hannibal. How slow can two hours seem very. Soundtrack is great but they only play limp bizkit and metallia what the hell. Overall this movie after my thinking process will be give a 2.25. Some might say that is being generous, to them I say kiss my ass. So of you also might say this is a very crappy upadate and has horrible grammer once again kiss my ass. Well thats all for now. Eventually there will be a Screwed review whenever I see it. Good day to you all
Twice in a week they say it isn't so, but I figure what the hell I have nothing better to do than fuck around online and with Napster and update. So what do I bring to the table today to one person you could call it backing up a phrase that should not have been said, also a challenge whatever the reason just know that its a damn good one. So lets review some movies.

Lets start with the fucked up comedy Being John Malcovich. I don't know what to say about this movie I'm confused on what to rate it even. So lets see starred John Cusack, Cameron Daiz, and Mr. John Malcovich himself.The story is of Craig Schwartz a puppetere who is married to a nut case, who loves animals. puppeteering just is not popular. So he decides to get a job, as a filer which is where we meet the sexy Maxzine and Dr. Lester who cracked my shit up. He should have been one of the old men pirates in the sketch from monty phython. So Craig is in love with Mazine who won't give him the time of day. Craig finds a door in his office wall that takes you inside John Malcovich's head. So he loves this experience, so does his wife. He tells Maxzine and they sell it off for $200.00. Many people take this trip. One time Craigs wife is in Malcovich's head while he is having sex with Maxzine. So each of them want it more and more.Craig does not care for this and locks his wife up with the chimp. He then takes over Malcovich for the next eight months and revitalizes the profession of puppeteering. His wife finally escapes and tells Lester everything that is going on so he tells her his story of how he has to be in Malcovichs head by midnight or they will have to live in a childs body. Lester and his friends live forever through other bodies. So they threaten to kill his wife Maxzine to get in the body. Fianlly after Maxzine and Craigs wife have a chase scene through his past memories they decide they love each other. Craig leaves the body finally. Oh yes while Maxzine was having sex with Craigs wife they got pregnant so they share the kid, which is lesters next host body, but we find out that Craig got in the kids mind needless to say this is a fucked up movie and get 2.5 for giving me a headtrip. John E-mail me on this one we got to talk about it.

Now another trippy movie but one that I really enjoyed Bringing Out The Dead, starring Nicholas Cage, Ving Raimes, John Goodman, Mark Anthony, and Patricia Arquette. After five years of driving an ambulance late at night Nick has lost it. A ghost of a girl who died while he tried to save her haunts him everywhere he goes. It has been a while since he has saved a life everyone dies on him. So the movie revolves around two people Patricia Arquettes dad who has had a stroke, and Mark Anthonies character. This movie had me laughing hysterically, one of the funniest scences was when the black security guard was reading a book entitled black robes, white injustice. So anyway Mark Anthony plays a crazy drugged up guy I wonder if that is any different than real life. Everyone is addicted to a drug called red death. So as we go through the movie we go throuogh like two days of Nick's life. and a lot happens in New York late at night. They always have to go pick up this one old man who is homeless and constantly drunk. Another good scene is when Nick and Ving go to a club and they know the guy is alive but they tell them he is dead and pretend to contact the lord to save him. Another scene a woman is having stomach problems and the husband clair value="1"> List Links Text Block

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