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Each class will begin and end with a short ceremony to show respect to your Sensei, the dojo and your fellow students. There will be some variation between dojos and instructors.
  • Head student: Shugo--Line up.
  • Head student: Ki o tsuke--Attention.
  • Head student: Seiza--Kneel.
  • Head student: Mokuso--Close eyes/meditate.
  • Head student: Mokuso Yame--Open eyes.
  • Head student: Shomen Ni--Face towards shine.
  • Head student: Rei--Bow
  • Everybody: Onegaishimasu--"Will you please teach me"/bow to start class.
  • Head student: Sensei Ni--Face foward instructor.
  • Head student: Rei--Bow.
  • Everybody: Onegaishimasu--Will you please?
  • Head student/Instructor: Tatte--Stand up/face front.

  • Head student: Shugo--Line up.
  • Head student: Ki o tsuke--Attention.
  • Head student: Seiza--Kneel.
  • Head student: Mokuso--Close eyes/meditate.
  • Head student: Mokuso Yame--Open eyes.
  • Head student: Shomen Ni--Face foward.
  • Head student: Rei--Bow.
  • Everybody: Arigato Gozaimashita--Thank you very much.
  • Head student: Sensei Ni--Face foward instructor.
  • Head student: Rei--Bow.
  • Everybody: Arigato Gozaimashita--Thank you very much.
  • Head student: Otagai Ni--Face fellow student.
  • Head student: Rei--Bow.
  • Everybody: Arigato Gozaimashita--Thank you very much.
  • Head student: Shomen Ni--Face forward.
  • Your Sensei or Senpai Ni will then get up and leave, then students in order of descending rank. Each student bows before standing, stands and bows to the dojo shrine and other students before leaving.
    Arigato Gozaimashita

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