The Official Morgazm Website

Home of the Morgazm Linkage

The Morgazm Webring was introduced in 1998 by morzag. Since then, he has strived to make pointless pointlessness with a hint of point easily accesible to people around the world. Finding a ring too difficult to manage when you really don't give a damn, he decided to instead make Morgazm into a link page. And here are the links that make it what it is:

Morzag's Marauders- My first site ever, focused on orks in Warhammer 40k.
Site #2- Never obtained it's own name, so is referred to only as Site #2. Is kind of hard to describe, yet is the most frequently updated site
Joyous Downloads- The first, and possibly the last, downloads page to be accepted into Morgazm. Contains a small collection of "games"
Pokecide- My own little contribution to the excessive pokemon craze. It's in Xoom, i hate their forced frame
Victorialucia's Home- The most obscure part of Morgazm. A site that was left in my care once the previous owner lost the ability to look after it
Good Worms Site- Worms is approximately the bestest game to ever exist. I couldn't resist making a site to show how cool the majority of people who play it are.
Ummm...- I'm rather ashamed that this page exists. It's been around for a long time and i've finally decided to make it available
Stickman Thingo- This is a rather pointless direct parody of another site. It will make little sense unless you click here, and even then you'll frown in confusion
Uninspiring Scribbles- This focuses on pictures. Naturally, it's hosted by the slowest server of all the sites. Currently it's not finished so much of it is broken
Buffy the Vampire Slayer- Perhaps the greatest Buffy fan site of all time.
GuestBoard- I didn't write the script for this, but rather asked a friend to kindly implement one of their scripts for me. It was done. It's like the bastard child of a one night fling between a guestbook and a message board.

The number of sites on this page is growing every... so often. It is so popular that i've received many questions on the topic. The most FAQs are:


How many hits per day can I expect to receive due to being linked from your page?
Anything up to 999001. With an emphasis on the anything

What is a morgazm?
Search me, i only work here.

How do I join?
Just follow these simple steps:
Contact me. Methods will be shown at the bottom
Give me a small token of your appreciation (preferably money, but may include the promise that you'll never kill me)
Do everything i tell you to
Be ready to hand earth over to the aliens
Be me

Why do you call these FAQs? Why not be original and use, say, FUT (frequently unanswered trivialities)?
Well, i decided that such things are done often enough to make FAQ appear original enough nowadays. And besides, your FUT suggestion is completely stupid and you deserve an eternity of torment for thinking of it

Are you busy Friday night?
Of course i am. I'm a very popular person.

Do you make your FAQs up, or are they real?
Looks like i'm running out of space, i won't be able to answer that last question.

To contact me, you can do any one (or more) of the following things:
Email me at, or
Send a message through icq at one of these UINs: 3816197, 4290158, 4617486.
Go to every chatroom on internet, in the hope that you'll beat the odds and coincidentally meet me there
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