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20th Regiment, Guardians

General Orders

1. at the command of "Attention!"
You snap smartly to attention.(this command will only come inside the tower.)

2. at the command of "Arms!"
You salute the highest commander in the room(this command will only come inside the tower or if meeting another military organization).

3. at the command of "Report!"
all file leaders or acting file leaders will give the file attendence with the words.."(color) file, all present and accounted for." or "(color) file, two soldiers missing, all present and accounted for."

4. at the command of "Fall in!"
all soldiers except for the commander will stop all movement and all talking. The only thing you may continue to do is whisper to each other.(this command will be followed by orders or whatnot, and when done.. by the "At ease" command. If the at ease command is forgotten, feel free to whisper to your file leader to ask the commander to give that command.

5. at the command of "At ease."
return to all normal activity.(this command will always follow the 'fall in' command, if it doesnt refer to the 'fall in' command notes.::grin::

see.. there are not many commands to remember..

when to salute..
a.only .. only salute inside of town.Never salute out in the field.
b.when receiving command of a unit(ie. if your inside the barracks and given a scouting mission and once you receive the place and link point and understand what you are to do, then you salute the person giving you the command). dismissal for the training day(mind only salute your file leader, file leaders will salute the commanding officer.

Addressing officers.
a. address all officers as sir or mam.Or you may address the commander as 'commander'. Or as their rank befits(ie. "yes captain" or "yes capt'n" would be addressing Mordallen as he is the only captain in the regiment).

a.refering to officers with their rank rather than name will show folks not in the unit that we are indeed a military organization and not a bunch of farmers in town for a plow show.This is part of being a soldier.
notice most of the commands have pre-words to let you know what command is coming up. To make yourself faster in response. as soon as you see that 'pre-word, type in the action you are to do.For example. You see Nickeltre say "Green file,present." soon as you see that you type in (salute mordallen), so when Nickeltre exclaims "Arms!" you just hit enter and the rest of the file will too and it should happen at more or less the same time.The reason behind drill and ceremony has always been to teach a unit of soldiers discipline and teamwork,here in the lands it will hopefully teach a certain amount of timeing also. Don't get worried about the commands too much. there aren't very many of them it will take just a bit of practicing before you get the hang of it and then you'll be a regular soldier and after a few invasions you'll become a seasoned veteran and it will all seem so easy.So give yourself time to adjust and have some fun with new things!
