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20th Regiment, Guardians

Basic Policy

1. Act honorably and in a military manner at all times while on duty.

2. Avoid conflict with other characters during training,unless they attack you first,(we will try to 'report' any serious troublemakers to the GMs).

3. File-leaders and members of files are encouraged to recruit for their own files,(ie. if you have any friends and want them to join and be in your file, that is perfectly acceptable).

4. All proceeds that any member of the regiment comes by while on duty will be pooled together with everyone else's finds at the end of the training time.10% of the pool will go directly to the regiment's coffers towards purchasing additional equipment for use by the regiment.The rest will be shared out among the regiment before final dismissal as pay.(make sure you report for duty without any coins)

5. Any unique items(box founds,invasion items,white crystals,blue crystals,statues,etc.) will be the property of the member who claimed the kill. If no member can be found exactly to have gotten the kill,the regiment officers will decide upon whether the object will become regimental property or a regiment drawing will be held to decide on a recipient.

6. Any donations for the regiment are welcome,(ie. any cheap gems for younger members to get deeds, wands for magic users, low enchant armor,etc.)If you have armor or weapons for the regiment to borrow during duty times that would be wonderful.Please drop off any donations just prior to training time to the supply sergeant and a note will be made so it is not forgotten.

7. Within reason,try to share your spells or any other skill that can enhance the regiment's effectiveness,(that also means, if you have an idea, share it with someone.All our minds together will work better than any one person's!)

8. Real life policy: The officers are well aware of things that may come up and prevent you from being in the lands. Do not worry about that. If you can be there for training that's great, if you can not, that's fine too.No punishments and no restrictions will ever be given out due to any absence of any kind.If you are booted from the lands while the regiment is operating in dangerous 'operational areas', we will have someone waiting for your return in the room you left from. All we ask in this matter is for you to try and return as quickly as possible.

9. Have fun!
