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Smudgie's First Summer!

Since it got warm here in March I have been learning how to swim in my pool. I can swim around and chase balls and humans! When I'm swimming fast, my head and neck crane out of the water and my head bobs back and forth. I'm really fast! Here I am taking a break on the pool ledge before my next pounce!

When they first tell me that it's time to go in the pool, I usually react like this... but secretly, I really like it.

And once I've been in the pool, I like to lounge in the sun until I dry off. I just bark until they move over or get off the lawn chair. That's not too much to it?

I'm pretty cute so I usually get what I want, but sometimes they're just not willing to give up the whole lounge chair for me. Can you BELIEVE that? My response? I go off and sulk for a while.

I'm fun to watch in the water. My front legs paddle along quickly, but I only kick my back legs every other stroke. It gets me far, though. I can almost swim faster than my Mommy and Daddy!

I'm really enjoying my first summer! I'm going to wear them all out, just watch me!