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Welcome to my homepage! Let's get on!

Hey SURFer, thanks for coming here. My name is Mohit(cool name huh?) and I am a 13yrs. old boy from India. I have been surviving in this thankless world since 26th Feb. 86'(believe me it's hard work) and presently studying in 9th grade(how will I ever manage to go to 10th I don't know! ).My favourite pastimes are SURFing the Net(especially talking to girls on yahoo pager) and playing Cricket(quite good at it, just a bit better than SachinTendulkar). I have many friends but I am always on a lookout for new friends('cause I keep breaking up with them......just kidding!). I don't have any girlfriends so far(I might be saying the same thing again when I am 80) and if you are a girl reading this (not one of my sisters ofcourse) then you are most welcome to be my pen-GF. I know most of you won't read any further(if by chance you've been reading so far) but I guess I'll keep writing 'cause I just feel like writing. My favourite games on the Computer are Cricket 97 Ashes Tour Edition, WWF and NBA 98'. Which ones do you like? Tell me all about yourself by emailing me and be sure of a reply. It will be fun mailing me because as people say I am a funny guy and might just make you laugh(Once you hear those stupid jokes of mine then it might be that the next time I start telling you a joke you might just take a short nap! funny huhn? What! NO! In any case who asked you?!?!?!). You see I've just started with this web-page making thing ('cause I just learnt how to!) and I don't know much about this stuff. So I would like you to give me some suggestions (though I know I won't get a word of it!) so that I am able to make my website a much better one(or should I say less worse one). All kinds of advices and suggestions are welcome. I know nobody ever signs a guestbook so I haven't put one on my site('cause no one logs on to my site) so I would like u to mail me and tell me about urself. That was about myself. Here is something about my homepage(don't think i live in a home made of paper). Here I have Movie Stars' and other stars' images. I will tell you about other things as I am gonna add them only if you mail me tell me your email address. Some of u must be thinking that since I am stressing it so much that you mail me I must be a hacker, believe me I'm not!(Actually I am.... just kidding) Bye!!!!!!!! Plllllleeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeee e-mail me :-(

My coolest links!

Aishwarya Rai!
Shah Rukh Khan!
Sachin Tendulkar!
Aamir Khan!
MYSELF and my family!
Akshaye Khanna!
My other COOL website!
Send Greeting cards to people online!
