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"Darth Maul: Ascension"
By Ray Van Horn, Jr.
Original Material Copyright 1999

The unexpected, searing pain shredding Darth Maul's exposed innards was comparable to digesting fire. His gored intestines vomited forth from the bisecting slash of the Jedi Padawan's lightsaber blade, dangling nauseatingly as Maul's bottom half separated itself from the remainder of his body.

The offensive display of grue was nearly offset by the shocked, enraged facade of Darth Maul as he gagged and hacked blood from the spikes holding sentry in his mouth; his sharp incisors released sanguinary fluids like floodgates as he gurgled in protest at his sudden death.

Still conscious as his cleaved halves tumbled down the airshaft in the Theed power generator, Maul's final thought was that of his master, Darth Sidious. He prayed that his liege would somehow avenge him upon the young Padawan who had incredulously snuffed out Maul's lifeforce. It was a fleeting death wish, as Darth Maul caught a last glimpse of the accursed Padawan extinguishing his lightsaber before succumbing to the ultimate darkness.

But Maul, in essence, did not cease to exist. Trapped in a limbo state of purgatory, Darth Maul's severed body sections were mere discarded, inanimate pieces of flesh, but the core blackness of Maul's soul freefalled in a pitch-black portal that offered no indication of its destination. Maul's soul floated and gyrated like a dead animal on a spit--only there was no flesh to roast. If there was any sensation Maul felt at all--he was dead, after all--it was a possible frigid chill that numbed the astral form he maintained.

His ghostly spirit spun backwards a few times, much like his flawlessly executed backflips that were an integral part of his repertoire of fighting maneuvers when he still lived. What was uncomfortable was the lack of control to the tailspins. There was nothing Maul could do to prevent himself from tumbling in reverse. In this maddening existence, Darth Maul was as useless in agility as the day he broke free of his mother's womb. Indeed, this annoyingly hellish plane of the dead made him feel like an infant struggling to balance itself on two feet. The only problem was, there was nowhere to put one's feet in this deathscape.

He tried to call out to Darth Sidious--in many ways, Darth Maul still denied that he was dead--but nothing released from his silenced mouth. It was then, that for the first time since he was conceived, Darth Maul knew fear.

He so desperately wanted to scream, to know that a true, tangible part of his former self still existed. To make matters worse, he felt his weightlessness rebel against him--how horrifying it was to feel, but with no real feeling involved. He twirled in a downward spiral that he was impotent to resist. Whatever force controlled this nightmarish realm was toying with his soul like a sadistic parent cruelly demoralizing a defenseless child. That was how Darth Maul felt, having been slain by the Jedi Padawan--demoralized.

Hints of rage fueling the driving mechanism of the embodied engine of destruction that was once Darth Maul swirled like transitory electricity throughout the wispy configuration of Maul's new, air-like existence. He strongly desired the savory feel of the lightsaber in his transparent hand. He wanted to crush something--anything-- with his once powerful maw, but had neither the means nor the mass to do so. The hate that had guided him in life was now an overbearing humiliator, taunting him to the brink of insanity.

Just one scream, just to know I exist! Maul pleaded to whatever entity held watch in this horrid domain. Damn you with every ounce of anger left within me!

As if in answer, a scene from Maul's mortal life mystically penetrated the abyss. A deep, guttural feeling (though there were no guts to speak of) triggered within his current form, finally offering him solace.

He witnessed a younger vision of himself, still a pupil in the eyes of Darth Sidious. Wearing only a black, snug loincloth, the vivid representation of himself flooded the dead Maul with a sense of hope, where there was once despair. In the vision, the younger Maul was sprinting barefooted through a forest on the planet Yavin. The red and black marks adorning his face yielded no signs of perspiration as he moved stealthily through the lush foliage and gargantuan trees. Darth Sidious monitored his movements from the Sith temple acres away by means of The Force as the protege executed somersaults, cartwheels and backsprings. Maul seemed to float amidst the trees, as he leaped up and thrust a naked foot against the gnashing bark of a nearby tree. The hard kick had left a trace of an imprint that amazed the young Sith.

The upraised horns on his shaven head pulsated in time to his rhythmic heartbeat as he continued his exercise in the forest. Appearing almost barbarously primitive, the youthful Darth Maul sprang forward like a lunging Wookie, extending his hands so that he planted them into the soft earth, and then propelled himself upwards, feet first. He landed again gracefully, then jumped up and released a midair roundhouse kick. He then twirled and launched another diagonal kick with one foot while keeping his other leg perpendicular to the ground. To complete the exercise, Maul unraveled a series of quick-snapped jabs, then he leaned backwards, straining the sinews of his leg muscles, with an upraised, beckoning, Force-driven claw, he unearthed a large rock wedged at the base of an oak tree. He guided the rock slowly through the air, demonstrating his mastery of telekinesis, and bore a pleased, benevolent grin upon his tattooed face. Finally, he exerted more of The Force and sent the rock careening into the same oak tree from whence it had been dislodged, where it crumbled against the resistance of the dense tree.

"Excellent, my young apprentice," the voice of Darth Sidious echoed as the image dematerialized, plunging Darth Maul into darkness once again.

NO! Maul cried, to no avail. So soon had he begun to feel alive again, then just as quickly was he reminded of his fate.

Before he could dwell on the disturbing thought, however, a new image crystallized before him.

If he could see himself right now, he fathomed that his mouth was drooped open in awe.

Surrounded by a bluish aura, a female-like form floated toward him; at least, it appeared as if the essence was female. There was no real dimension to the spirit approaching Maul, but the whispery, tenuous fibers that snaked and waved atop the perfectly ovalled head like thin strands of hair, and the deep, engaging eyes, coupled with the small, hallowish nose and full layered lips, made the form evidently female. Below the head, the mysterious entity appeared hazy, as if camoflauging any trace of a body.

A tendril extended from the female existence, reaching for Maul. So bright was the radiation emanating from her aura, that Darth Maul was suddenly aware that he could see a blue shrouded version of his hand, which was unconsciously aiming towards the effeminate spirit's prolongation. To his extreme pleasure, his hand merged with the tendril, and the apparition glided closer to him. The two eidolons locked together in an embrace, their auras glowing incandescently.

The phantasma's eyes beamed with expectation as Darth Maul allowed her to draw closer to where his lips should be. Her eyes fluttered shut dreamily, and her mouth swam through their unification to meet his, forming what was undeniably a firm kiss.

As they locked their lips, Darth Maul suddenly realized the significance of this union. This umbra was The Force, the very same Force that had resided within his mortal frame, the same Force that demanded greatly from him, and nurtured him sweetly in return. This dark kiss was Darth Maul's ascension into immortality....

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