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This is my first real fanfic, so please bear with me here. I hope you all enjoy it. I’m not the world’s best writer though, just thought I should warn you. Darth Maul and Sideous are not my characters. I’m not doing this for profit so please don’t sue me.

Please e-mail me at if you have any questions of comments.

Nothing Broken but my Heart Part 1

By: Electra

The usually crowded village of Mos Eisley was now very empty. Most of the people had retired to their homes to rest while only a few remained to enjoy the night air. Among the few was the shopkeeper Ral-Morin, who had come out to walk with his small daughter. It was quite a touching sight, to see the two walking hand in hand under the bright stars. The small girl laughed at a joke her father told her while the man looked down lovingly at his child. He raised his head slightly to survey the area. There was no one else around. The others who were still out were in bars making trouble. The only source of light came from the night sky and from inside of the houses. Ral-Morin thought of how beautiful his home looked at night. During the day it wasn’t much, but at night it was a sight to behold. His thoughts were interrupted by his daughter’s sudden halt. He turned to see what she had stopped for, and a few meters ahead of him stood the silhouette of a cloaked being. Slowly, the dark figure raised its head to reveal it’s fiery yellow eyes and red tatooed face. Ral was struck with fear, but managing to regain his composure, he moved his daughter protectively behind him and slowly began to back away.

Darth Maul snarled at the man’s cowardice. His lightsaber hissed as a red beam came from the metal opening. Lunging towards them, he brought the beam up and then down again, straight into his victim’s heart. The small girl screamed as her father’s bloody carcass fell to the sandy ground beside her. Darth Maul smiled at his handiwork. He had been ordered by Darth Sideous to find and kill the human known as Ral-Morin. The man had a strong connection with the force and was to be destroyed before he was discovered by the jedi.

Maul looked down to see that the child was in tears at her father’s body. ‘Annoyance,’ he thought. Once again he brought his lightsaber up and prepared to bring it down on his next victim. The weapon sliced through the air towards the startled girl, but was suddenly stopped by another blade. Maul’s eyes widened in surprise at the violet lightsaber. Who would be foolish enough to challenge him? He broke his gaze from the lightsaber and moved it to the intruder. Before him was a figure shorter than he was, dressed in a black velvet cloak that had a slightly softer appearance than his own. His yellow eyes narrowed and his lips raised as he grunted with anger. The red lightsaber pushed hard against the violet one, sending its wielder backwards. The Sith lord pulled off his hood to reveal a head completely bare save for nine horns. He removed his cloak, dropped it on the ground, and got into a fighting stance. The mysterious figure did as he did and removed the velvet cloak. Underneath it was not a male as he had expected, but a female, and a beautiful one at that.

For once, Lord Maul was taken back. Her flowing jet-black hair reached all the way down to her hips. She had smooth, milky white skin and on her face were the most beautiful deep green eyes he ever seen. There were a few shorter hairs at the side of her face that framed her high cheekbones and full pink lips. On her perfectly shaped body she wore a sleeveless red dress with slits up to her waist on both sides. Under the dress, her slender body was covered with a tight, black body suit. A pair of black boots reached almost up to her knees. Long fingers were covered with tight black gloves that extended up past her elbows. For a long moment, the dark lord stood completely still, staring at her.

The woman glared at her opponent through narrowed eyes. Turning to the small girl, she yelled, “Go!” Ral’s daughter merely sat with her head tilted at her father side; probably not even acknowledging what was being said to her. Tears still rolled down her tiny cheeks, but she made no sound. ‘Poor girls in shock,’ the dark haired female thought. A sympathetic look crossed her features. She turned backed to Maul and clenched her teeth with anger. A loud scream escaped her lips as she threw herself at him with her death weapon in hand.

Darth Maul blocked as the blade of her lightsaber swung at him. He returned the gesture by swinging his own saber at her. She stepped back before the red blade could slice thorough her chest. They continued this way, in battle, for a long while, taking swings at each other and occasionally throwing a punch or kick. The blade of their weapons looked almost like fireworks against the dark sky. He had never fought a female before, however he was impressed. They both grew very tired, but neither one would yield.

Finally, they backed a few meters away from each other. Not once did one take an eye off the other. Both stood with knees slightly bent weapons still out, breathing very heavily. Enough was enough, the dark lord decided. He ignited the other side of his lightsaber and jumped towards her. She gasped as she saw the other end and moved back, desperately trying to block both blades. She held up for a while, but eventually her fatigue gave in and he knocked the saber from her hand. Her long legs bent, and she was on her knees before him, his lightsaber at her throat. Neither one said a word; they merely glared at each other.

Darth Maul was pleased with his victory. But he was curious about this girl who was currently at his mercy. ‘She couldn’t be a Jedi, there is too much anger, and there is a certain….. darkness to her. But she can’t be Sith either. No sith would try to save an insignificant child.’ He was determined to find out where she came from, but he was too tired now to question her. He brought the metal end of his lightsaber towards her head, rendering her unconscious. She fell to the ground, at his feet.

Lord Maul turned his attention back to the grief stricken child. He couldn’t have the spawn of a potential Jedi running around. This time he did manage to bring his weapon down on her, she made no attempt to save her own life. The girl’s corpse fell beside her father’s. With no expression on his face, he disengaged his lightsaber and threw his cloak over his shoulders. He picked up the other velvet cloak and took up its owner in his arms; silently making his was back to his ship.

The infiltrator glided swiftly trough space, while inside it’s pilots sat at the controls. It would be some time before they reached Courusant, and he was resting while he waited for his prisoner to regain consciousness. He was feeling better now that he could get off his feet. As soon as she was awake he would talk to her. Darth Sideous would be pleased that he had succeeded in killing Ral-Morin, and perhaps he would be even more pleased with Maul’s discovery. He finished with the Alderannian fruit he was eating and headed towards the holding cell to check on the woman.

The black boots made soft clanking noises as they hit the metal of the ship’s floors. Darth Maul walked up towards the cell and opened its doors. She was still unconscious. Again, his eyes were fixed on her slender frame. He moved his gloved hand across her face and then across her belly, admiring her flat stomach. Slowly her eyes began to flutter and a soft moan passed her lips as she began to awaken. The first thing she saw was a back and red face and fit form towering above her. Her body immediately shot up and tried to move backwards, away from her captor, but there was no where to go. She calmed herself down long enough to study her surroundings. Underneath her was an uncomfortable bed which lay in the corned of the average sized room. That was about the only thing that was in the room. She was surrounded with metallic walls and a metallic floor. The only wall that was different was the one leading out of the cell. The force field that held her in made a quiet buzzing noise.

“Who are you?” The dark figure finally spoke up.

She looked up at him defiantly, planning on saying nothing, but thought better of it, deciding that there would be no point. “My name is Cathra.”

He nodded, “I see.” She was surprised at how smooth and gentle his voice was. She was expecting more of a harsh, grunting voice. “What are you?” he then said.

Cathra looked up at him, confused. “I… I don’t understand.”

He snarled and raised his hand to slap her, but immediately stopped. ‘No need to bruise her face…’ He instead brought her hands behind her back and twisted them painfully. She closed her eyes and winced. “Are you a Jedi?” There was a pause. He twisted harder as he listened to her sharp intake of breath. “No…” was the quiet answer. “Are you Sith?”

“No!” He twisted even harder, until she felt like her bones were going to snap. A scream escaped her lips..

“Then what are you?” he nearly yelled at her.

Breathing very heavily, she answered him. “When I was very young, a Jedi master tried to train me. He was killed before he could finish. I’m neither Jedi nor Sith! I’m just a regular person!”

Darth Maul studied her features, then released her. She began to massage her aching wrists. “You fight rather well for someone with such limited training.”

“I taught myself what I could, it obviously wasn’t enough to beat you…”

“No… it wasn’t,” he said simply, turning towards the exit.

“Who are you!?” she shouted behind him.

Without turning he answered, “I am Darth Maul.” He lowered the force field and walked back towards the control room.


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