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Definition of a Heathen

For all my happy little heathen friends out there
The following is taken from, please check the link bellow
Hea' then: haithno [Gothic], hæthen [Anglo-Saxon], heide [German], mistranslation by the Gothic Bishop Ulfilas (4th century c.e.) of hethanos [Armoric], heathen, by association with haithi [Gothic], heath, thence the folk etymology of heathen as 'wasteland dwellers' developed by other Germanic languages. Then, heathen refers to anyone not of the Abrahamic religions, especially a member of a tribe, nation, etc. worshiping many gods. Historically used by Christians to describe others with different beliefs as barbaric, godless, and irreligious. In the modern revival of the pre-Christian religion of Northern Europe, many of us prefer to be called Heathens, although some shudder at the mere hint of so-called negative connotations.

And as you see the word Heather describes a wide range of people, why I bet there are a lot of Heathen descriptions out there that are perfectly Christian. Heathen has been misrepresented as a word for a non Christian, when in fact the word referred to an area of people.

Definition of a Heathen
