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the LuCkYcHiCs home page

Hey ya'll and welcome to our page. This is pretty much a site about us, but being the clever girls that we are we have decided to put up some other stuff, besides us, to entertain you kiddies! Yes, we know we are too nice. We have our pictures back from our vacation to CANCUN. Yes, we live a rough life, but i guess someone has to do it. To tell you a few brief things about us. Well we both live in the wonderful *ahem* state of Miz-er-y i mean Missouri. If you've never been there i wouldn't lose sleep over it. We are entering our final year of high school...for those of you who didn't quite grasp that, we are SENIORS!! Whoohoo! God has been good to us. Heather is 18. Happy b-day July 18 sweetie!! Legal and ready to mingle baby!! Oh no, I've sunk to that level haven't I? My (Karen) b-day isn't until November. November 4th to be exact and all presents are to be sent to my house, thank you. I will be 18 too. We enjoy just about every sport, but thank the good Lord for off-season. If there was no off-season or summer I think we would kill ourselves. Anyway, enough of us and our stupid rambling. Enjoy and please do not take our pics unless you ask us....this is directed toward the 12 year old perverted boys who don't know any better. :) Thanks!

kArEnS pIcS
HeAtHeRs PiCs
oThEr PiCs
CaNcUn PiCs
fUnNy StUfF wE nOtIcE
N sYnC sTuFf
