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Cherokee Park Neighbors Association is a standing organization of neighborhood members who desire the change in social dynamic within the area we serve. The neighborhood (also refered to as Benton Park South) is bounded by arsenal street on the north to hwy 55 (on the east) south to Withnell where the boundery extends to broadway. cherokee street on the south to jefferson on the west.

Our mission statement provides for: Achieving a consensus on the desired function of targeted buildings. Reduce the volume of rental property, interest specified business to develop buildings and create specific residential and entertainment/commercial zones distinct from each other. Targeting and implementing plans for remediation of vacant lots. Soliciting funding to commission sculptures, sound art and gazebos for landscaped parks, design painted fences. The identification and remediate slumlords and their buildings. Creating a code of community standards regarding both building and landscaping and social interaction for our neighborhood. Developing a unified neighborhood social-educational program. Creating 'partner' programs to assist poor in our neighborhood. Arts and education-enrichment programs for area youth. Develop a unified plan for neighborhood 'identity' and beautification. Design and implement sculpture parks. Increase density of a specific kind of tree. Design and build gates, signs or banners. Use window boxes to designate our neighborhood.

Our continuing activities have guided us into coalition with other neighboring community groups. We are currently working with the Benton Park Neighborhood Association, The Cherokee Antique Row Merchants Association, The Benton Park West Neighborhood Association and the Utah Street Landlords Association. We look forward to further collaboration in the continuing effort of enhancing the benefits of city living.

cherokee park neighborhood association meetings are held bi-weekly on wednesday at 6pm at the lemp neighborhood arts center.

march 3: community advisory meeting

march 17: open meeting

april 7: community advisory meeting

april 21: open meeting . . 314 771 1096 . . 3301 lemp ave, St Louis, MO 63118